Thursday, August 3, 2017

Of Mice and Moose

Between finding mice in the house (dead or alive), I figured it was only a matter of time before I saw this sight again.

But it wasn't just one moose.  It was a mama moose accompanied by her "mini me".

I sure would like to see her stuffed in my freezer!

After munching on my celery, they moved on and pruned my rose bushes for me.
They needed to be pruned anyway, so I didn't mind this too much.

I don't know how they can eat those thorns!  Doesn't that hurt?



Then they moved over to my strawberry patch.

Thankfully, they don't like strawberries, so they ate my fireweed instead.

Then they made their way around the front yard.
Munching, munching, always munching.


Then they circled around back to my back yard, where they started, and also where they found my garden beds.
I yelled at them and shooed them away when she started sniffing my peas.  I was kinda nervous about doing this, but thankfully, the mama didn't glare at me and flatten her ears (you never know how a mama moose is gonna react to a human yelling at her).  She just glanced at me, shrugged her shoulders, and nonchalantly made her way into the trees.  (Whew!)

And this is why we need a fence around those garden beds, but our intent was to wait until next year to spend the money on it.


And this is what's left of my poor poor poor poor celery.

Only one stalk was left untouched.


"We'll be back!"

 So, I got lucky that time, except for losing most of my celery, which makes me mad.  As soon as I got the chance (and felt safe enough), I went out there and harvested whatever broccoli was ready cuz I knew it was a race now between them and me.
I win!

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