Friday, April 4, 2014

Another Boring Plant Post (sorry...)

Too much time was passing since my last post so I wanted to sit down and write something, ANYTHING, while I inhale the aroma of my dinner rolls baking in the oven.  Mmmmm........

I really didn't want to have three posts in a row about my plants, cuz, after all, they don't do anything exciting like do a dance or anything like that, but it is very exciting (to ME) that they keep getting bigger and taller.  So far they are looking really good.

Here are my pumpkins:

I love the bright green color - reminds me of summer!  According to the instructions, when the plants get to be 2" tall, I'm supposed to clip off all but the healthiest two stalks.  These are well over 2", but they look so good, I just can't bring myself to kill one of them.  Especially, since I'm having a hard time deciding which one to execute.  The plant on the left only has two stalks so I don't have to touch that one, but the one on the right has three.   I will have to get my hubby to choose the one that "deserves to die".   Awww.........why does this have to be so painful?

Anyhoo, let's move along through this tour of my botanical garden in front of my kitchen window.  Here is my row of cucumbers:

So far so good.  These were getting too tall for the Jiffy box and some of the leaves were even starting to get "burnt" from getting too hot in there, so I moved them into little Jiffy pots.  So far there's no sign of death or dying (whew!), but these are the ones I'm worried about moving outside when it's time.  I noticed when I was replanting them, that they actually smelled like cucumbers already.  :-)  It'll be a big shame if these things don't make it, but I know I'm taking a big chance, not having a greenhouse, so I have to just enjoy watching them grow as much as they are willing.

Wanna see my cabbage?  

Not too bad.  The one on the far end is one of my lettuces.  These were all getting too big for the Jiffy box, so I moved them into little Jiffy pots that I can supposedly plant right into the ground without disturbing the roots. I just hope they are big enough to sustain them for another two months.  I'm quite sure that, in my excitement, I planted the seeds too early.  Live and learn, I always say......

These are some beets and dill plants that are still waiting to be put into little Jiffy pots.  I ran out of them, so I need to go buy some more.  Some of these are already starting to look a little bit "wilty", so I am keeping the cover off of them.

Here is the lumber for my future raised garden beds.  My hubby picked it up today.  Woo-HOO!

I don't know when he's gonna get to work on that project, but it's probably wise to wait until mid-May cuz I doubt that we are out of the snow season just yet.  Seems like the Spring months of March and April and even May can drag on forever.  So hard to be patient...................
I guess I'll eat a fresh hot dinner roll (or two) smothered with butter while I wait.

I will TRY not to bore you with my plants in my next post.  For all of you in the Lower 48 that are already enjoying your outdoor gardening and other outdoor activities........I am SOOOOOOOO jealous!!

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