Monday, March 24, 2014

No WAY!!

My reaction when I checked my plants today:  NO WAY!!

But that was a positive thrilled smiley mouth-agape wide-eyed kind of "no way!",  as in total surprise. I was so surprised to see my cucumbers emerging from the dirt already.  I only planted them three days ago and wasn't expecting to see anything for at least a week.  That's a good sign.  At least I know I'm doing something right.

These are my lettuce plants.

And it looks like the broccoli wanted to join the land of the living as well.

I don't know about y'all, but I get so excited when I see a little speck of green coming out of a seed that I planted. Woo-HOO!  Maybe it's a "no confidence in myself thing" where I think the plants have a pre-determined will to not grow for me.  It's just so amazing to me that there is LIFE inside those tiny little dormant seeds that don't look like they can possibly amount to anything.  Science calls it "botany", but I call it a "germ within God's hand" and there is no science that can explain how this works.  I really like that all I have to do is plant the seed and let God give the increase.  So easy.  Well, at first anyway.  The tricky part is  yet to come.  Oh, how I wish it was the end of May.  I know, I know, we're not supposed to wish our life away, even if it's fast-forwarding only two months.  Now I'm kinda wondering what I will do if these plants get too big before the garden is ready.  Buy a whole bunch of small pots?  I guess I better cross that bridge when I get to it.  After all, I am the queen of plant killers, so who knows if they will even survive that long?

1 comment:

  1. God set up a pretty amazing system, I'd say! I hope they continue to grow!
