Monday, March 10, 2014

Chicken Stock, chapter 2

So I tried my culinary experiments once again on this chicken stock.  This time I got this much:

Not as much as last time, but that's okay cuz I really don't wanna have TOO much.  I want to be able to stock about as much as I use.  Otherwise I will have a freezer full of this stuff and that's not what I want.  I noticed it turned out darker this time, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.  I did a couple things different.  This time I added a few scraps of leftover vegetables that I had been saving in my freezer specifically for this purpose (mostly celery).  I also started the crockpot on High, and after it got to boiling, I turned it down to Low.  It was in the crockpot a total of 24 1/2 hours.  After keeping it in the fridge for another 24 hours, this is what the consistency ended up like:

Pretty much the same as last time - like runny jello.  So I guess extra long hours of simmering doesn't make a difference.  UNLESS!!!!  Maybe I shouldn't have brought it to a boil????????????  Hmmmmm, ........something different to try next time.  But again, I really don't see how the gel texture can really make or break a good chicken stock cuz either way, it tastes way better than the canned stuff, and after you heat it up it's all a thin liquid anyway.  I am going to use this tonight with my acorn squash and Arborio rice.  Oh yum.

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