Thursday, February 20, 2014


What do I do now?  Just start typing?  Okay, this is something totally new to me.  I have no idea what I'm doing, so this is going to be a learning process for me.  I generally hate technology and make Chuck do anything for me that requires more than a simple click on an icon. If there's anything in this world that I give up on quickly, it's technology. But a friend of mine inspired me to start a blog (Tammie you know who you are!), so I am going to give it a try.  I have no idea why I'm doing it, other than because I think it might be a fun thing to do, even though my life is certainly not very exciting.  I used to keep a hand-written journal in my younger days, and it was always fun to go back and look at that, but a digital journal might be more fun after Chuck shows me how to insert pictures.  I don't expect to gain an audience on my blog, but I am not trying to gain an audience; I am just mostly doing this for myself and if anyone else is interested in my non-interesting life, they are more than welcome to intrude.
So where do I begin and what do I write first?  I don't know.  I didn't do anything special today except start a blog.  Woo-HOO!  I guess that is something.   Does making a pan of brownies count as anything?

At first, my blog entries will probably be really boring.  It's in the middle of winter and I don't go out much in the wintertime. But life happens, even for a stay-at-home housewife.  I plan to post things pertaining to things in my own little world that are mostly insignificant, but even the smallest accomplishments can mean a lot, especially if they make someone else happy.  For instance, I know Chuck will appreciate coming home to a pan of brownies today, even though they are half gone already.  The brownies aren't important to me, but if I can make his day with a pan of half-eaten brownies, than that is a big accomplishment.

I like to bake and try new recipes, so I might blog about recipe successes and/or disasters.  I like to scrap book and make cards and treat boxes for birthdays and holidiays, so you'll probably see some of my projects.  My favorite holiday is Halloween so I will definitely be blogging about that.  I am teaching myself NT Greek and am currently translating the book of John into my own translation, and once in a while I will have an epiphany or a "light bulb" moment that I might write about, and will also post my memory verses that I am working on.  (Right now the memory verse that I'm working on is Ps. 25:4-5, in case anyone is curious).  We also own a cabin on 10 acres of thick trees and lots of blueberries, so maybe we will run into an adventure there that I can post.  Or run into a bear, who knows?  Haven't seen one yet, but almost stepped in some "evidence", if you know what I mean.
In May we are taking a short little trip to Hawaii, so I look forward to posting about that.

So I really don't have any specific theme or purpose for this blog, but I do think that it will be a lot of fun.  And hopefully I will easily learn how to include pictures in with my posts - that will be my next accomplishment.

.......until next time...............


  1. Hey, that sounds great! You're life is far from "humdrum"! (But maybe I think that because we're interested in a lot of the same things.) I look forward to reading your posts.

  2. thanks for your inspiration Tammie! You never know, this might be a whole new world for me. Just look at what happened when you got into me the world of stamps!
