Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Day in My Kitchen

I always look forward to Saturdays cuz that is the day to hope for a big chunk of uninterrupted time for scrap booking.  But sometimes I end up spending my whole Saturday in the kitchen.  Like today.  I started out by making some squash bread.  I have a favorite squash bread recipe that I normally use, but I saw another recipe for it in the current edition of the "allrecipes" magazine, so I wanted to try it out and compare it to my own recipe.  Also, the bread in the magazine was braided, unlike my normal loaf shapes.  So I gave it a whirl.

It turned out pretty good, but........I think I'll stick with my other recipe.  (that'll be another blog post)

Then Chuck requested some chocolate chocolate chip cookies, since the brownies were all gone.  He's a chocolate man.  He always has to have some form of chocolate in the house.  If he were made of chocolate, he would probably eat himself.    So I made some cookies.  And washed dishes.

These are very good accompanied by a glass of almond milk.

Then I tried something new.  Homemade cream of mushroom soup!!  The only cream of mushroom soup I've ever had was out of a Campbell's can, but I quit eating that years ago after I realized how gross it was.  A friend from church was kind enough to share her own home-grown recipe with me.  Chuck and I both love mushrooms, so I was excited to try it out.  I expected Chuck to be excited about it, but when I told him it was time to eat he said, "I'm not hungry.  I just ate two pieces of pizza."  Argh.  He ate it anyway, but I know he would've liked it a lot more if he was hungry.

I was surprised how easy it was to make.  And it turned out so yummy, I was disappointed that I was too full to have another bowl.   With crushed saltines added to it, it is divine, if you like mushrooms, that is.  My kids wouldn't touch mushrooms with a 10 1/2 foot pole.   More for me!!  I will definitely be making that again and again.  I would like to share the recipe with y'all, but it doesn't feel right to publish it without asking permission first, since it was invented by someone else.

Then I was craving hot chocolate, and discovered that I didn't have enough mix left, so I had to revert to my emergency packet of store-bought mix.  Blechh!-Nasty!  So I was forced to mix up another batch of my homemade hot chocolate mix.

Normally I cut the recipe in half cuz it makes a LOT, but I accidentally added the full of amount of sugar, thus forcing me to go ahead and make the full of amount of the whole thing.  You can't tell in the picture, but this is a really really big bowl.  I think this will last me for awhile.  I think I should probably rewrite that recipe with the half amounts so I don't do that again.

Whoops!  A little runaway marshmallow trying to escape.  Can't let him get away...

Time to wash dishes again!  Then I had to make just one more thing.  My casserole for potluck tomorrow, which entailed boning a chicken.  More mess to clean up.  But wait!!

Don't throw away that chicken carcass!  I have a plan for that!   Something new to try tomorrow.
Stay tuned...................

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