Monday, February 24, 2014

Chicken Stock epilogue

Well, it looks like my chicken stock gelled after all!  Yay! Apparently it takes a while to gel and I checked it too soon. It's not real solid like firm jello, but more sorta like runny jello.  Hey, I'll take any gel I can get.  I wasn't sure how important the gelling was, but from what I was reading in my research, gel indicates that it's good quality stock.  I guess it has something to do with aiding in digestion and promotes a healthy gut, which would be right up my alley.  I guess chicken feet added to the simmering process is supposed to guarantee a good firm gel, but I'm sorta out of chicken feet right now.........
I think I'm going to try this again in two weeks when I roast my next chicken.  Except try a couple things different that I have read about other people doing.  We'll see how it goes.  Surprisingly, it's really hardly any work at all, so it's not like I'm going through heavy labor and toil over it, and if it doesn't work out, it's not like it cost me anything extra either, except I still wonder what it costs to keep the crockpot running for so long. (but that's a question for Chuck to figure out) The only thing that kinda sorta bothers me is that I am buying conventionally raised chickens and I don't know how much unhealthy toxins and hormones I'm leaching out along with all the healthy stuff.  I'm really hoping that the benefits of all the good stuff I'm getting out of it far outweighs the neggies.  But at the same time I figure this is the kind of chicken that we eat all the time, so if I'm not squeamish about that when I eat the meat, what difference does it make in the stock?  It's one of those things I have to try not to think about until money grows on trees and I can afford to buy organic free-range chickens.  Anyhoo, if this stuff is really as healthy as it's made out to be, I'm glad I finally discovered it, and wish I had discovered this years ago.

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