Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Old Salad is Good Enough for a Moose

In my last post I said that I wouldn't post again until after I got back from Fairbanks, unless something exciting happened like one of my cats doing cartwheels.  Well, neither of my cats did any cartwheels (that I know of), but something did happen today.  We got a moose visitor.  And what perfect timing!

I was washing dishes when I saw this outside my window:

We had fun watching it clean the leaves off the shrubs.  It was very interesting to watch.  She would clasp her jaws around a branch and then slide her mouth all the way down and off the end, scraping all the leaves off in one clean sweep.

After cleaning off several branches she meandered into my back yard and found (gasp!) she found MY GARDEN BEDS!!  If it was earlier in the season, I would've been mad, but it just so happens that I was pretty much done harvesting from those beds.  Lucky me!

"Aha!  JACKPOT!"

First she sniffed my frost-bitten acorn squash plants and said, "meh" and proceeded to the other things that looked lush and green.  She found my brussel sprout plant and went to work.  She chomped and chomped and chomped................

........took a little break when Bossy challenged her to a stare-down game................

........and finally said to Bossy "you win!" And continued chomping until there was nothing left of the brussel sprout plant except for the stem, which she chewed on for a long time.  She must really like brussel sprouts.

Um.  I was actually hoping to get more brussel sprouts off that plant yet.  All hopes for that is now lost.  I'm glad I picked some just a few days ago. Then she worked on the broccoli plant right next to it, which still had some little florets on it yet, which will never make it to my dinner table now.

After she cleaned off that part of the salad bar, she went off to the trees for awhile, and then came back for her dessert in the other salad bar - the old pea plants which were turning all yellow and brown.  I gave up on those peas long ago, so it was fine with me.  I was more than glad to see that the old salad was still useful for someone (or something).  Go ahead, eat all you want! No charge!

I'm just glad she politely waited to show up until harvest was over.
I have no more use for what's left in the garden beds and was in the process of getting them cleaned out anyhow, and actually she saved me some work.
What a nice moose.

So there was something exciting.  I guess.  Tomorrow we are taking off for Fairbanks.  While I'm there, I will try to find something interesting to post about.

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