Saturday, September 26, 2015


Today we were "supposed" to go to Knik Glacier again with Bob, but we decided to go to the cabin instead.  I'm glad we did cuz today's weather doesn't look like the kind of weather that I'd be very happy in on a trip like that.  Too wet and cold.  Brr.

Chuck had the day off work yesterday so we went to the cabin yesterday and spent the night.  I was looking forward to bringing home some rose hips and high-bush cranberries, and went there armed with empty containers and my new Alaska Berry Book! (I found it at Fred's for $10.)

But I came back home with the containers still empty.
All the berries must've been frosted multiple times already cuz there weren't any left hanging on the bushes.
No rose hip tea for me this year.

I forgot about those bird houses that we had left there to dry last time until I saw them again, still right where we left them on the front porch.  Chuck hung them back up in the trees.  Now they are just waiting for their new occupants.  Maybe I should've put a realtor sign on them.

This one almost looks like it could be haunted.

As you can tell, we were having wet foggy weather.  This morning when I went out to the outhouse, the temps were in the 30s, but it didn't feel that cold.

Inside the cabin, it was a toasty 80 degrees.

It was too wet outside for Chuck to work on trees, so he went up in the loft and tried patching up some insulation.  Yes, I know it still looks "bad" up there, but hopefully next summer, that will be improved.  The important thing is that it holds the heat in.

It gets really hot up there, which is why I keep pining for Chuck to take that upper level off, and just let the cabin have a low ceiling all the way across, so it'll heat up better in the winter.  But of course, he's not gonna do that.  He likes having that loft, and I suppose it does come in handy for people who borrow the cabin and they have more people with them.  But I feel sorry for the poor souls who have to sleep in that oven.  Chuck was sweating when he was working on it; it's must've been in the high 90s up there.
That is why we sleep in the bunk bed below:

I know this post is super boring, but I don't know what else to write about.  I'm just updating because I know my mom likes to look for something new to read when she gets on the computer at the library.
(Hi Ma!)

So anyhoo, even though it's cooler on the lower level, it still gets pretty warm.  When it gets that warm in there, I have to be careful not to get up too fast so I don't pass out again.

After Chuck was done with that, we went outside to practice our shooting.  

It was hard to tell if I was hitting the target or not, so we set up an empty can of beans.

And I hit it with my first shot.

But we won't talk about all the times that I missed.
Let's just say, if I was ever home alone and got intruded upon in the middle of night, I can just imagine myself saying something like:  "Who are you?  What do you want?  Get out of my house! I have a gun, and I sorta know how to use it."

Just ask Mr. Van Camp.

Swiss beans, anyone?

Gun practice didn't last very long because it started drizzling, and Chuck didn't want the guns getting wet.  And since the weather was preventing Chuck to do any work outside, we decided to pack up and go home.

Every time we leave the cabin, we always stop at the gas station just a few miles away (to go pee, and to buy something warm to drink for the road), and this time it was good that we did that cuz after we got there, Chuck discovered he had a flat tire on the trailer.

How in the world did that happen?

I know this post is painfully boring.  Sorry.

Let me digress.

Here is my first pumpkin spice latte for the Fall season, accompanied by some double-chocolate fudge cookies.  Now that pumpkin season is here, I will be drinking these lattes almost daily.  The ones at Starbucks are okay, but I like mine better, for taste and for health.  Ask Starbucks to make it with REAL pumpkin and add some ground flaxseed to it, and you will get a weird look.  At least mine doesn't have that chemical after-taste that you get at Starbucks.

Here are a couple of pumpkins that a friend of mine gave me.

A friend of hers let her pick what she wanted from their U-Pick-It farm, and she knows that I'm always looking for pie pumpkins, so she picked these for me.  Then she told me about that farm, which is only a few miles away from my house and I never even knew it existed.  So me and Chuck went there last week to see what she had left.  She still had some pie pumpkins left, so we bought 5 more for $25 (that was a special discount that she gave me because they were "rejects" at the farmer's market). Anyhoo, now I've got several pie pumpkins to keep me happy for awhile.
I need to buy some big carving ones though, for Halloween.
They can get quite pricey, so I am just buying them one at a time, whenever I happen to be in a store that sells them.  We'll see how many I end up with by the time Halloween gets here.  So far I only have one.

Speaking of which, one thing that I've been getting ready for is my Halloween "restaurant".  Right now, all I will say is that this year it won't be a "restaurant", but a Bed and Breakfast.

The Sleepy Hollow Bed & Breakfast.

As far as I know, everyone who reads my boring blog (what is that, maybe 3 people?), are people who I would normally send a Halloween invitation to, so I will not disclose any more information about that.  You will just have to wait until you get it in the mail.

I digress again.

Here is a birthday card that I made for my sister.
Her birthday is only 4 days before mine.  Weird, huh?
Karen, if you're reading this blog right now, please shut your eyes and continue scrolling.

Here is a wedding card that I made for my niece.  She is getting married only 4 days after my birthday.  Weird, huh?

Well, that's all I got.
Aren't you glad?

Hopefully, I'll have something for you next time that's worth reading about.

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