Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fall Busy-ness

So, after we got home from Fairbanks last week, I had only a day or two to get ready for our midget guest again.  Here comes Dominic!

As usual, we had him for three nights and three days.  This time he slept a little better than usual.

But during the day was still a challenge.  To get him to take a good morning nap required a walk around the block in his stroller.  After getting back home, I just let him sleep in his stroller and he actually slept longer than the usual 20-minute nap.  But I wasn't so lucky with his afternoon naps, which meant he was crabby during the evening hours.  But at least that way he was tired enough to go right to sleep when we put him down for the night.

But he is such a good baby when he's had sufficient sleep.  

It's been kind of fun watching him every two months because I like seeing what new developmental changes he's made.  He crawls really fast now, pulls himself up on things, and a few times I caught him standing alone for a few seconds.  But when he realizes that no one is supporting him, he lets himself drop.  He has also discovered some consonant sounds which is really cute ("da-da", "ma-ma", "na-na", "ba-ba").

Anyhoo, those three days with him seemed to go a little faster this time.
We will have him again in November.

I got so used him clinging to me all the time, that after he left, at first I didn't know what to do with my arms.  They were FREE!  But it didn't take long for me to get my sewing machine out again.

I got this stack all done.  Now I have to cut them all in half.

I'm keeping the quilt update short because it's too boring.  Here is the next boring subject:
today we had a break from the rain, so after we got home from church we took down our greenhouse.  Kinda sad, but more of a relief because it's one less thing for me to tend to.
The back yard looks weird and empty now.

We moved the frame so Chuck could mow the long grass down.
Then we pulled everything out of the beds and collected some stray veggies that had gotten left behind.

And decided to just put all the buckets on top of the beds for the winter.

Then we emptied out the rain barrels.

I collected some of the dried out big stalks of corn because I might find a use for them for Halloween.

Which brings me to my next subject:  Halloween.

This year my theme is going to be.............(drum roll, please)

Actually, it'll be a combination of this story and a pumpkin theme.  I ordered the Kindle version of the book and have already read it twice to get some ideas.  I will probably keep reading it over and over for more ideas.  (it's a fairly short story)

In light of my theme, unfortunately, this is all the pumpkins I got from my garden this year.

Just two small pumpkins. They're not even big enough for a pie, unless I combine them.  I will probably just use them for my pumpkin spice lattes.  
BTW, see all the tomatoes we cleaned out of the greenhouse?  I tried making Fried Green Tomatoes with them last night.  They were good, but I don't understand the hype.
I'm getting off subject.

So, I have already been looking for ways to decorate my "Halloween room" with pumpkin vines going all over the place.  Too bad I didn't get more pumpkins from my garden cuz they are expensive to buy, and for this theme, the more the better, wouldn't you say?
So this is what I got so far, as far as creating pumpkin vines:

Green wire and fake leaves.  So far I only have one leaf attached because I did this when Dominic was here, just to test it and see how it would work out.  I bought a bag of fake leaves, and punched holes in all of them, now I want to attach them all to the wire.  I don't know how it's gonna look in the end, but I am still looking for other (cheap) ideas.  I was hoping to save my REAL pumpkin vines out of the garden, but they were starting to look like something that I wouldn't wanna put in my house. We threw them in the burn pile.

This is only the beginning stage where I get an idea and then work with it, not knowing for sure how I'm gonna make it happen, but somehow it all works out in the end.  My "restaurant" date is set for Oct 23.  Yikes, that's only 6 weeks away!

And this is where I start to panic.  
Time is never on my side, so it seems.

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