Friday, May 2, 2014

Summer Day?

It is about 72 degrees out today!!!  Whew!  It feels too hot to stay out there!!  So NICE!!  So I took advantage of it and started weeding and raking out my flower beds, eager to check on the progress of my perennials.  As usual, my chives were the first to come in whole and hardy!

I really like that I never have to do anything to get these things going.  They are always already growing before I even get out there to clean up the bed, as if to welcome and encourage me back to the garden.  And it's nice to know that I don't have to buy any green onions now for awhile.  I've been trying to figure out how I want to harvest these so I can enjoy them all winter.  One year I tried stuffing them into freezer bags, and that was okay, but they got kinda mushy.  Then I tried growing a "stray shoot" in a pot inside the house.  It lasted for a while, but............well, I'm a plant killer, so it didn't last very long.  I've done some research on drying them, but I guess they lose a lot of flavor and volume that way.   But it sounds interesting enough to try so, since I have three chive plants, it's not like I'd have a lot to lose.  So I might try drying some, but I think I'm gonna try freezing most of them a different way.  Instead of stuffing them into freezer bags, I think I'll try freezing them the same way I freeze my blueberries:  in a single layer on a cookie sheet.  See if that works out better.

Anyhoo, onto the west side of the house:

My rhubarb is starting to pop up.  Over by the driveway we have another rhubarb plant which we intend to move next to this one.  I've been suggesting we do that for the past several years now, and we're finally gonna do it.  But first we're gonna buy a 16x16 raised garden bed kit from Fred's.  I hope we don't wait too long.  This would actually be the perfect day to do it, but Chuck's too busy painting the second coat of stain on the wood for my garden beds.

Since it was so nice out today, I took my pumpkin plants out for some fresh air:

I hope all this back and forth movement won't hurt them, but I don't see why they can't go outside if it's warm enough.  I'm hoping that will help them get incrementally used to being out there, and maybe it will help lessen the shock of transplanting them when the time comes.  Besides, I'm hoping some bees will find it cuz they need to be pollinated in order to produce pumpkins.

And here is a picture of Chuck's new toy:

He just picked it up today, and I know he's wishing his painting was done so we can go riding.  Bike riding seems to be our new thing now, since he just sold his motorcycle.  Now that he bought this one, I'm sure he's gonna think he has to buy me a new one too, even though I told him it's not necessary.  I took this thing for a spin around the block, and it is pretty nice.  But I am  happy with mine, as long as he doesn't expect me to keep up with him.  The most annoying thing about mine is that everyone within a mile's radius can hear whenever I apply my brakes.  What an annoying sound that is, echoing from the distant hills.

And Chuck got a JURY DUTY NOTICE in the mail today!  BWAAHAHHHAHHA!!  It's about time!!  It's always ME that gets those things!!    Oh, happy day!!!!

Well, it's time to get another glass of lemonade and sit outside to watch Chuck grill some chicken.

Enjoy your weather!!

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