Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lunch with a Glacier

Today was such a GORGEOUS day!!  What a perfect day for a 4-wheeler ride!  This morning we met up with some friends from church, who brought some of their friends along, and we had a "convoy" of 8 4-wheelers.

Since it was a "hot" dry day, the trails were very dusty, which is why you would wanna wear a scarf over your face, like a cowboy.  Otherwise you will be blowing black boogers out of your nose.  Also, we tried not to follow directly behind someone else, to avoid the dust as much as we could.  

In some places we had to go through water, which gave us a break from the dust, but in one place the water was so deep, our 4-wheeler was starting to float!!  And that was kinda scary, but still really fun.

It takes about two hours to ride to the glacier, so we took pitstops every now and then.  At this pitstop, Bob discovered that he "lost" his boss and his wife.  So he stayed behind to wait for him, and/or look for him.

While we were there discussing the "crisis", we noticed this sheep on the mountain:

After riding another hour or so, we reached Knik Glacier.

And ate lunch:

I really love going to this place cuz there aren't very many places in the world where you can eat lunch next to a glacier.  It's really cool!!  And we had the perfect weather!  The sky was deep blue and there wasn't a single cloud.  It wasn't too hot or too cold, it was JUST RIGHT!  You might even call it a "goldilocks" kinda day.

Anyhoo, after eating, we got some target practice:

Our friend Jason brought some guns, shells, and clay pigeons to shoot at.  I've never done any skeet shooting before so I was totally surprised when I actually shot a few of them!!!!  I would never in a million years think that I could ever possibly hit a moving target, but I did it!!!

Here Chuck and Jason are competing against each other:

So after the shells and clay pigeons ran out, we indulged a little longer in our surroundings, just visiting, and then headed back.  What a fun day this was!  Day trips like this really make me feel so lucky to be living up here in Alaska!  I hope I never take that for granted!

Before I close, here is a picture of Chuck spoon-feeding, yes spoon-feeding! the fuzzy rat:

It was peach-blueberry cobbler.  Of course, Chuck has no reservations about going ahead and finishing his cobbler with the same spoon.  Gross.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these photos; especially the one of you with the gun! The one with Chuck and your little hamster is cute, but he eats off of the same spoon?????
