Friday, August 10, 2018

In a Lull Right Now

We got two weeks before the movers come and pack for us.  It's coming fast, and there's so much to do yet, but most of what we have to do makes more sense to wait until it's closer.  So we have been in a lull, which is a bad thing cuz it allows me to think too much, which can be depressing.

We can't close on the house until after the appraiser comes and completes the 23-page long report, but before the appraiser could come, we had to fix all the problems that came up in the house inspection.  Most of those were fixed easily and quickly, but we had to wait for the new windows, which had to be ordered, during which time we couldn't really do anything but wait.

BUT!!  Today both of those things got taken care of.  We got the window replaced this morning, and then the appraiser came a couple hours later.  Now we just have to wait some more while the appraiser gets the report done.  We hope he'll get it done quickly cuz we want to close on the 27th.

So, in the meantime, we are in waiting mode again, but I do have a few things to do.  For one thing, PW moved out so I've been clearing stuff out of her room that she left behind.  Chuck said we could keep this bookcase IF I can get the stickers off from it.

What in the world was she thinking when she put that sticker on the side of her bookcase?  Was she too lazy to walk a few steps over to her garbage can?  GRRRRRRrrr........!!
There were two stickers on there, and the first one wasn't too bad to get off, but this one is a BEAR.  I have it soaking in walnut oil right now.  I'll come back to it later.

At least it gives me something to work on, and doing all this hard scraping helps release some of this pent up stress I've been carrying around these past weeks.

I guess I'm determined to get the sticker off cuz an extra bookcase is more storage space for all my scrap booking stuff.  Plus I have a whole bunch of books I'm taking with me.

And let's not forget that August is harvest month!  Normally, I'd be at the cabin every weekend this month picking blueberries.  Now I'm telling my friends at church to go ahead and pick 'em. 
I ended up canning all the blueberries I still had in my freezer from last year so I can take them with me. 

Canned blueberries aren't the same as frozen ones, so I might have to find different uses for them, but I already found one use for them.

If you blend blueberries with raspberries, half a banana, half an orange, and some almond or cashew milk, oh my, what a treat!  (Don't forget the chia seeds!)

My raspberries are really taking off now.  We pick a whole bowl full about every two days.  I could've picked more than this, but I was seeing too many 8-legged residents, so I will wait for Chuck to get home and finish picking them.

Also, I thinned out my carrots and my beets and also picked more peas and beans.

I can't preserve them cuz I don't have enough jars left and I don't wanna buy more, so we're gonna have to eat them somehow.  Plus, there is still more to come, so I will probably end up taking veggies to church to give away.  Too bad we can't take them across the border - those carrots would make a great road snack.

My tomatoes are still green, so I'm not even considering them.  I'll let the new owners do what they want with them.

FlatFace really thinks he lives here now.
He makes himself comfortable in any spot he can find.
On the back of my couch...

....and even on our bed.

He's making this difficult for all of us.

I feel so bad for him when I have to boot him outside.  I'm guessing he stays under our deck every night, especially when it rains, cuz in the mornings he's sitting out there looking in through the glass, all dirty and wet.  Poor thing.  For some reason, he never wants to go home.
Hmmm....., maybe it's because we feed him and brush him and pet him and spoil him and let him sleep on our bed............

I'll probably cry for him when we have to leave.

So that is pretty much it.  In another week or so, things are really gonna be buzzing here.

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