Thursday, August 23, 2018

Crunch Time

Today the movers came.
It's happening.  It's really happening!

Is this really happening?
How can this even happen?

Somebody pinch me.

This morning at about 9:30, three big Samoan-looking dudes showed up at our house.  I would like to have a picture of them, but somehow I think it might be kinda rude to take their picture.  Anyhow, they were super nice, like gentle giants.

At first, for awhile I was busy running around the house gathering stray stuff that I didn't want them to take.  They pack really fast and take everything they see, so if you're not on your toes and paying attention, you're gonna find out your half-eaten donut and your coffee cup disappeared and got packed.  No, that didn't really happen to me, but as Judy Tenuta would say:  "IT COULD HAPPEN!" Most of the time if they came across something they think we might want to keep out,  they were really good about asking us before they packed it, but there were some things that unexpectedly disappeared without a trace that we won't see again until it comes to us in our new home.  But that's okay; at least we know what happened to it.

So after I was able to relax a little, I started to feel like I needed something to do besides pace back and forth while they did their work.  I had to do something while waiting for laundry load after laundry load (I was washing all the bedding before they got packed), so I put some Weird Al music on and sat down with my sewing and just stayed out of their way.

I was sitting by the kitchen where one of them was working and I began to make some chit chat with him.  Really big dude with tattoos all over his arms and a pony tail.  My guess was that he was Samoan, so I asked him if he was from Hawaii.  He said yes, he was from the southern Pacific islands, and he said he was American Samoan.  So we had a little conversation about Hawaii, since we were just there about 3-4 years ago (I'm sure you've seen my blog posts about that).  Then I asked him if he was familiar with Don Ho.  Of course he was!!  He said that his uncle used to play music at some place where Don Ho played, and his uncle had Don Ho over at his house for BBQs sometimes, so he actually got to meet Don Ho at his uncle's house a couple times.  I asked him what he was like, and he said that Don Ho was a really nice guy, a hugging kind of guy, loved to give hugs (especially when he was drinking......)
Anyhoo, I thought that was pretty cool.  And then we were talking about some of Don Ho's songs.  He said his favorite was "Pearly Shells".

Maybe I"ll play some of my Don Ho songs for him tomorrow.
He seemed to really enjoy Weird Al though.  Sometimes he busted out laughing while he listened to him.  Those big Samoan dudes can look intimidating, but for the most part they seem like they are really laid back.  He talked about his daughter and how he does a lot of stuff with her, including sewing. He even helps her make "princess dresses".

Anyhoo, this morning Weeners disappeared AGAIN.

But I knew she had to be in the house somewhere.  I locked Peeka up in one of the bedrooms upstairs, and looked and looked and looked for Weeners all over the house in every nook and cranny.  I couldn't find her anywhere and began to suspect that she somehow snuck outside when the movers came.  Finally, in the afternoon, one of the guys went in our bedroom and started packing stuff, and he came and told me that he saw her bolt out of the room and run upstairs.  So where was she hiding?  I looked everywhere in that room!  She always was a good hider.  Anyway, I was able to get her locked up with Peeka until the big dudes left.

After we let them out they were exploring like crazy.

So, the movers are pretty much all done in the kitchen.  We are eating off paper plates now.  I have no dishes to wash except for the stragglers that were still in the fridge.  They also have our bedroom about half done.  Pantry and downstairs bathroom are done.  Tomorrow they are gonna do the garage and the upstairs.  The upstairs will be so easy for them because I already did most of it for them.  All they have to do is the upstairs bathroom and Justin's room, and he really doesn't have that much.  So I think this is a relatively easy job for them.

And now I have to start the cleaning.
I was hoping to get all the cleaning done so we can go to the Fair on Sunday, but now it's looking like our dinner date with someone got moved to Sunday.  So, I wonder if we'll be able to go to the fair on Monday instead???????????  We shall see.
I don't know when this computer will be taken apart, so I can't say if I will be able to write again before we leave.  We shall see (...said the blind man).

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