Thursday, November 2, 2017

Halloween 2017 (Dark Shadows)

You all probably know that my theme this year was "Dark Shadows".
Not the Johnnie Depp movie version, but the original show.
I absolutely love that show!  I was too young for it when it was airing on TV, and didn't know it was a real TV show until the Johnnie Depp movie came out, so I investigated it, and got hooked on it right away.    My son Justin orders the DVDs for me on his Netflix account, and I am up to "1970" now, so I am not done watching them yet.  (I think the show ended in 1971?) But I have to say, the first couple years of the show were better than the last few (my opinion).  I think my favorite part was when Willie Loomis was sitting in the Blue Whale and someone was hounding him with questions because he clearly wasn't himself and they wanted to know what was wrong with him.  This was after he got bit, and he did such a good job acting this part that he was actually creeping me out.  

Anyhoo, doing my Halloween theme based on that show was really fun, and not too hard to put together, since it didn't require a whole lot of creativity.
Here are just a few pictures.  I could've and wanted to do more, but it's hard to do everything by yourself.  I really miss having Stephanie here to help when Halloween comes around.

Those are supposed to be silver bullets.

For the appetizers, I just put a variety of different finger snacks on the tray.  I made the spiders out of black grapes and raisins.  I hate spiders and they were looking a bit too realistic for me, so I only made three of them.  Nobody ate them.

For the dinner, this is what I made:

It was a very simple dinner of tomato soup, mashed potatoes, a round slice of cheese, and meatloaf that was supposed to look like a voodoo doll, but it would've looked more like a voodoo doll if I had cut away the excess stuff around it.  I didn't think of that until it was too late.

oops, I forgot to light the candles!

We tried to invite PW's boyfriend, but he couldn't come, so we didn't have any victims this year. 

For dessert, we had chocolate cake for a coffin, with a mouse shaped out of a peanut butter ball.  Usually when I make PB balls, they don't last more than a day or two, but I am still eating these mice.
The cake of course was all gone in two days.

Usually I like to try and get seasonal pictures of one of our cats during Halloween, but Weeners doesn't seem to care about holidays.  Even last year at Christmas, I was disappointed that she didn't care about the tree.  Anyhoo, this is the only picture I have of her getting involved with Halloween.  She only wanted to know what we were eating, and then she disappeared again.  I miss Bossy!  :-(

It makes me kinda mad that Chuck was using that yellow plastic cup for his water cuz it so totally clashed with everything!

On Tuesday, my skeleton got moved outside to my porch.

I didn't buy a pumpkin to carve this year, so I didn't really do much to decorate my porch.  But we only had about a dozen trick-or-treaters this year, so I guess it really didn't matter.

So that was our Halloween this year, and now I gotta start thinking about my Christmas cards.

Ho. Ho. Ho.

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