Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

I hope you all got to stuff yourselves like I did!
As usual, we went to the church potluck, and boy, did we have a good turnout this year!  I'm not sure I've ever seen the crowd this big before.
I'm so glad we do this every year because staying home on Thanksgiving is boring.
It's way more fun spending Thanksgiving with my church family.

 There was lots of good food to choose from.  This is one of those times where you end up stuffing yourself, no matter how much you think you'll be able to control yourself.

After eating, we all headed into the auditorium for the big talent show.

Keith started us off with the story of the Pilgrims.

About halfway through the story, he stopped abruptly because he forgot how the rest of it went, so Jake tried to help him out.  When Keith couldn't remember anything more, he said, "...and that's all I'm gonna tell you."  And he walked off the stage.

Here is August reciting "Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie".......
I didn't think anyone even knew that poem anymore.

The funny thing about this year was that there were a lot of little kids that kept randomly getting up on the stage and poor Jake could do nothing but squeeze them into the schedule.  

Here we have 4 kids singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  
August was VERY passionate about it!

Then Jake tried to prove to Mallory that 7x4=23 and proved it in three different ways.
Of course, she didn't buy into his logic.

Then we had a kid playing two songs on his guitar.
He played "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and "Love Me Do".

Then Macy told us the story of Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the big statue.

Then Annabelle showed off her dribbling skills.
(Jake had to eventually ask her to go sit back down by her mama.)

Then Marilyn showed us her doodling trick.  She wrote her name while at the same time mirroring it with her left hand.  That would seem kinda hard to do.  I should try it sometime just for fun.

Then Lucy sang a song.  I have no idea what song she sang and I couldn't understand a single word.

Ellie said that her talent was messing up her sister's Rubix cube, so she showed us how she does that.

Then her dad bragged about Trisha's talent saying that she knew how to solve those things really fast, so he set up a contest between her and Riley.  Trisha won of course.  Poor Riley had no idea that he would be chosen to compete in that.  I was pretty amazed that Trisha could solve the Rubix cube so fast. I gave up on it years ago.

Then Jason attempted to shoot a cup off Trisha's head (with a Nerf gun), holding his cap over his eyes. He missed both times, even though he claimed that NERF stood for Never Ever Really Fails.

Then August wanted to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  Again.
(Poor Jake.......)

Then Lydia and Clara dressed in costume and recited a Bible verse and a poem.

And lastly, Dave recited a poem.  He always writes his own poems.

During the whole entire talent show, I was wondering where Chuck was cuz he wasn't sitting with us.  Turns out, he was way in the back vegging out in one of the rocking chairs.  That turkey does it to him every time.  Even now as I type this, he is laying on the couch in a turkey-induced coma.

So that was pretty much it.  It was a really fun day.  It's always fun to see the kids growing up and doing different things every year.  And it was nice to be able to do this in our new building cuz we didn't have to move all those chairs out of the auditorium, which made things so much easier.  I was in charge of the drinks, as usual, and I don't mind doing it, but it sure is a test on my patience when people keep getting in my way.  If there's anything I miss about the old building, I miss having my own space when I'm making the drinks!

Oh, and by the way, we decided to host the State Lectureship again this year, even though we just had our turn two years ago.  But since no other congregation could do it, it was up to us.  If we didn't do it, there wouldn't be a Lectureship this year (in April), and we didn't want to break the tradition - this will be the 52nd one! It'll be fun, but a lot of work!  Last time me and Chuck helped with the food, and that was fun, but Chuck doesn't want to do that again this time.  Maybe I should volunteer us to be in charge of the drinks the whole weekend.  Between me and Chuck it wouldn't be too hard, and that is what we are used to doing anyway.  It's sort of our forte.

And now I shift gears and start focusing on Christmas.
I actually bought a couple Christmas gifts already.
But right now my priority is to get to work on my Christmas cards.

Last weekend Chuck wanted to go to the cabin, and he wanted my help installing some insulation, so I sorta had to go.  But I knew it would be too dark to do anything by the time we got there (the sun goes down early these days!), so I brought along part of my Christmas cards to work on.  Since Chuck had nothing else to do, I actually got him to help me color my elves and penguins.

Chuck sitting at the cabin coloring??????
I knew I had to take a picture because I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself.  He is one who doesn't know how to relax, but while we were coloring and listening to the radio, I asked him, "Isn't this relaxing?"  He wouldn't admit it, but didn't deny it either.

All the elves and penguins also have to be cut out, but I knew that would be too much to ask of him, so I am working on that part myself.

Well, PW is getting some games out, so I'm gonna get out a piece of pumpkin pie and play some games now.

I hope you all had a very nice Thanksgiving!

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