Wednesday, April 20, 2016


I know "Beanifer" seems like a weird name for a cat, but I told Kayla that she could pick a name for her.  And that is what she came up with.  Most of the time we just call her "Beanie".

Sometimes I call her "Beaners" or "Mrs. Bean".  It's one of those names that you can have fun with.

Kayla calls her "Beanie Baby" and refers to her as "the Bean" when she's talking about her.
I think Kayla has a new BFF.

The first few days, she spent most of her time hiding, and we spent most of our time looking for her.  She was very good at finding hiding spots and we often gave up looking, knowing she had to be in this house SOMEwhere!   And every time we found her spot, she would find a new one.

Finally we decided to set up living quarters for her in Kayla's room until she got comfortable.  That way if she wanted to hide, we knew she would be in there somewhere, and that was better than searching the whole entire house.  It didn't take too long for her to warm up to Kayla, and before long started hanging around more on top of her bed, and spending less time under the bed.

Then she got spayed on Friday, and that kinda set things back.  But it was good that we had her confined in Kayla's room because that kept Bossy away from her, and gave her a sense of security while she recovered.  Kayla discovered that she likes to be bundled up in a blanket, so she stayed wrapped up like a burrito in a fleece blanket for most of her time.

We were getting concerned because she still wasn't eating and hardly drinking any water at all.  The only thing we could get her to eat was Gerber baby food.
(never thought I would ever buy that stuff again!)

After a couple days of eating that, she finally started nibbling on her normal cat food.  And she is also drinking more water and using her litterbox.  

A couple nights ago, Kayla came downstairs and left her door open to see if Beanie was ready to come out yet, and sure enough, Beanie followed her downstairs and into the kitchen. 

I was sitting on the couch and she came to say "hello" to me, but only for a minute.  I guess she has gotten pretty comfortable with Kayla because she kept watching her, and then went into the kitchen to hang around her feet and rub on her legs.

When Kayla went back upstairs, Beanie followed right behind her, and that was all I saw of her for the rest of the night.

Today she came out again for a little bit longer, and we also finally got her interested in playing, but only for a few seconds.  So far she hasn't been very playful; she's actually kind of a boring cat, but maybe she will play more after she feels more at home.

Anyhoo, it's good to see that she's feeling better.

Other than that, I am getting more seeds started. Today I started my broccoli, zucchini, and sunflowers.

My five pumpkin plants are thriving and growing.

And so are my tomatoes.

And Bossy actually got out of bed and went outside today.
That's big news.

But she doesn't stay out very long unless I'm out there with her.  Pretty soon she is begging to come back inside already.

That's about all that's going on in my corner.

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