Sunday, April 26, 2015

Our Last Potluck (For Now)

Our church congregation has potluck every week, but today's potluck was extra special cuz it was the last one (sniffle!, sniffle!).  Well, not really.  It was the last one in our current building.  The good news is that our current building was sold (closing date is in a couple weeks from now) and we are in the process of building a new one for us to meet in.  The bad news is that the new building isn't ready for us to move into yet, so for the next several months we will be in the transitional phase.  The people buying our current building will be turning it into a funeral home, but they said we can still worship there on Sundays while we wait for our new building to be ready for us.  But we won't be able to use the kitchen anymore, so that is why today was our last potluck, but for me in particular, it means a little bit more than no more potlucks.  I have had the privilege of preparing the potluck drinks every week for the past several years; I'm guessing I've been doing it for about ten years now.  It means I have to get there about an hour early,  and it's one of those "thankless jobs" that not very many people are willing to commit to.  But I really really really really enjoy doing it!!!  Not only does it give me a special place (a special work to do) in the congregation, but it also gives me an opportunity to talk with people that I normally don't get a chance to talk to, plus I get to listen to conversations of other people that gather around the coffee pot, and sometimes I hear some pretty interesting stuff.  There is a reason why we prefer to call our potlucks "fellowship meals"; for me, the fellowship starts with making the drinks, and I am really going to miss that!

Here is the counter that I work behind:

I prepare the water, lemonade, unsweetened tea, sweetened tea, and of course the coffee.

It sure won't feel right not starting my Sundays this way anymore.

Here are some photos from potluck:

(Notice Chuck way in the back holding Dominic)

Of course Chuck had to hog Dominic:

He is SO ready to be a grandpa!  Unfortunately, that is not in our near future.  Every Sunday Chuck seeks him out and insists on holding him.

Look at all those desserts!  99.9% of the time I have the willpower to not even look at this table because I usually have sweets at home to eat, and I know that the last thing I need is more sweets to eat on top of the sweets that I have home.  

Anyhoo, today after church was over, Chuck and I started packing things up.  Since I'm the one that makes the drinks, I wanted to be sure and pack that stuff myself; otherwise I won't know where anything is later.  It felt really weird boxing all that stuff up because I kept thinking "won't I need that?"  I am so used to needing that stuff every week that I had to keep reminding myself that I will NOT be needing it again for awhile.  It just feels..........weird.  And kinda sad.

I wanted to post a picture of what our new building looks like, but I never got around to taking a picture of it, so maybe that will come later.

I will close with a picture of Bossy showing off her nice fuzzy arm.

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