Happy New Year, everyone! I hope the new year is treating you well so far. I think so far it's been a rather weird start, which is a continuation of the weird ending of 2024 - I mean with all those drones and synthetic "fog". And it just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I'm just waiting it out, seeing how it all pans out. I've heard of some vague reports of "fog" here in Alaska but I haven't seen it (yet). Nor have I seen any drones (yet). However, this morning I was awakened by some really weird loud scraping noises against the house, and I was imagining a drone hovering over my house letting out a stream of that spray that I've seen videos of. The noise scared my cats which didn't help, but I got up and looked outside - didn't see anything. The noise came back several times. After we got up we realized it was just the wind blowing our plastic lawn chair around. It's windy today.
I feel so silly!!!! But it goes to show that I'm watching too many YouTube videos about these drones. It can be unsettling.
So we went to Fairbanks as I mentioned in my last post. We had a good time. We got there on Saturday afternoon and Steph took us to a Christmas tree judging contest, and also you can get your picture taken with a reindeer, but the line was way too long so we skipped that. They also had some fireworks to celebrate the winter solstice, but we didn't stay for that. It was kind of exciting to be there on the solstice though - the shortest day of the year in Fairbanks is pretty short. The next day Fairbanks gained a whopping 20 seconds of daylight! Woo-HOO! I don't know what we gained here in Wasilla that day, but I think yesterday we gained 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
On Sunday we went to church and then spent the afternoon going to bazaars.
On Monday we went ice fishing!
I thought it was cute that they had this written on the chalkboard.
They had a fishing hole drilled in each corner of the hut. I started with the hole that was next to the door, which someone kept opening, which made me cold. So I moved to a different corner.
It was cold outside (about zero), but it got pretty toasty inside the hut once we got the wood stove going (and kept the door shut).
"Here fishy, fishy, fishy!" |
We couldn't see very well down in the holes, so we had headlamps which helped some. We were waiting for the sun to come out more to help lighten it up. We did see some small fish swimming around our bait, and we got some nibbles, but nothing came along that was big enough to wrap its lips around our hooks. So we didn't catch anything, which was a bit disappointing, but it was still fun!
They provided one cord of wood for the stove, and Steph purchased an extra cord, but we didn't stay long enough to use it all, so she just left it there for the next person.
We got there at about 10:00, and you can see that it's still kinda dark out. It never did get much lighter than this cuz the sun basically just stays low in the horizon this time of year. On this day, Fairbanks gained about 40 seconds of daylight! Woo-HOO!
This was our hut.
When we were leaving and walking across the frozen lake, we noticed this bald eagle.
The people in this other fishing hut were feeding it.
We stayed there for about 3 hours, 'til about 1:00, and gave up, even though the hut was "ours" for the whole entire day. It was fun though and I'm glad we did that.
After that we went to the Santa Claus House in North Pole.
We spent some time in there and bought a few things that we didn't need. Of course Santa was there, but there was a line and I never even got any pictures of him. The reindeer were there too, but we didn't take the time to see them. It's a very touristy place this time of year. There were a lot of people inside.
That same night Steph and Kristian took us out to a sushi place. I don't eat yucky sushi, so I ordered some kind of chicken and rice dish. It was good, and Chuck was really impressed with his sushi.
On the way home at the end of the day, I mentioned to Chuck that I was seeming to develop a cough.
The next morning (Christmas Eve) I woke up with the flu.
So I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day not feeling good.
Thursday we went home, feeling a little better but still sick.
On Saturday Chuck got sick.
Still trying to get rid of this lingering chest cough.......
Anyway, that was our Fairbanks trip!
Now I'm trying to get back into my sewing. And I finally finished PW's kitty QAYG quilt.
That's the one I kept procrastinating on because I was afraid to do the picket edging. But I made myself do it, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Didn't get all my corners to match up perfectly, and I'm only about 80% happy with it. But it will just have to do. I'm glad it's finally done, but now I have to wait until I see her to give it to her cuz I don't wanna ship it.
In the meantime, I am pulling out all of these other "UFO's" and getting them out of the way before I start a new project. One of them is this leftover thing from when I made Stephanie's quilt. I don't know what I'll do with it, but for now I'll just finish quilting it cuz I don't wanna just throw it away.
Also still keep plugging along on the EPP quilt. I have to make 28 of these "large diamonds". I'm almost done with the 21st one. Got 7 more to go, and then I have to make a bunch of normal size flowers. I have to make a lot of them, but they should go faster cuz I can pretty much make one in one evening. It takes me 3 or 4 evenings to get one of these large diamonds done.
And of course I am already starting to think about my garden seeds. Already placed an order from Johnny's Seeds.
Also, just on a whim, I planted this green onion that I bought from the store. There was just a little stub of onion left on it when I decided to plant it and see what happens. It didn't take very long for the onion to grow back.
As you can see, we have hardly no snow outside. And the wind doesn't help.
Hopefully we will get more snow soon, but I don't see any in the forecast.
So that's about it for now.
Stay out of that so-called "fog"!
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