Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 Hi all!

Happy Spring!

I hope your blessings bring a spring in your step!

Did that sound corny?  I don't wanna be corny...

I know it's been awhile since I've posted.  I just don't ever have anything exciting to write about.  So, as usual, I am just checking in again to update you on more boredom.  I will not be offended if you totally skip me.  Believe me, I understand - you have WAY better things to do.

Anyhoo, my last post was about my quilting WIPs.  I got my Halloween crow quilt top all done, but I don't have it sandwiched yet because I didn't order enough fabric for the back.  I ordered 3  yards, but need 4, so when I tried to order more (from Missouri Star Quilt Co), they were all out.  Go figure.  I contacted them and they said they won't get more of that particular fabric until mid-July.  Since I already got 3 yards, I don't want to order 4 more of a different one, so I told them to let me know when they get it in.  So that one is put on the back burner for now.

My hexie flower quilt.  All done, except I need to finish hand sewing the binding.  However, there was much "weeping and gnashing of teeth" trying to get that one quilted.  I wanted to use rulers to help me keep my lines straight, so I bought a ruler foot for my Kenmore machine and gave it a go.  My Kenmore is a low-shank machine, so I ordered a low-shank ruler foot.  But the ruler foot sat too low on my fabric - too tight for me to move my fabric around - well, that's not gonna work!  The only way I could sort of make it work was to keep my presser foot in the raised position, and then adjust the ruler foot to the right height.  But sewing with the presser foot raised is not normal, and I kept getting skipped stitches.

I was getting mad because I was ruining my quilt with these horrible stitches.

And it didn't help either that Weeners was sitting on it, hindering my free motion movements.
She is the reason why I now keep a roll of tape in my quilting room (to unfuzz my fabric).

So, as you can sorta see, my plan was to use rulers and outline my flowers, but I couldn't keep my lines straight for several reasons.  1) I am new at ruler quilting and need more practice; 2) Weeners was sitting on my quilt; 3) the ruler foot kept getting caught on my basting stitches (I learned a lesson with that one!; 4) my machine simply did not like the ruler foot and wouldn't cooperate; 5) my Kenmore does not have the "needle down" feature, which causes a lot of mayhem in free motion quilting.

So guess what??!?  I ordered myself a brand new machine!  I did a lot of research and settled on a Brother PQ 1500SL.
Sounds fancy, doesn't it?

I ordered it from Amazon and only had to pay $10 in shipping, and to my surprise it came a whole week earlier than they said it would.  So I was pretty excited to get this box!

It was a bit pricey, but it's really not that fancy, especially compared to the ones most of the YouTubers use.  Most of the quilting videos I watch have those very expensive computerized ones.  And I have to admit, it would be tempting to buy one of those if you can afford it, but even though this one is kinda pricey, I deliberately chose not to go with a computerized machine for several reasons.  The main reason is because you can't service them yourself, and when you take it in to get it serviced, it can take weeks to get  your machine back, and it's expensive to get them serviced.  And if anything goes wrong with the computer, same thing- very expensive to fix and you have to give up your machine until they fix it.  So I purposely chose a mechanical machine, just like my Kenmore.  I can oil it myself, and there's no computer parts to go haywire except for the "needle down" feature - that is the only part that's not mechanical.  I can live with that because having the "needle down" feature is SO worth it!  Not having it is one thing I always hated about my Kenmore.

It also has other features to it that my Kenmore doesn't have, like it will cut your thread for you, which can come in handy I suppose, but I generally don't use that because it cuts the threads too short.  Also, it has a needle threader.  It took me a few tries to figure out how it works, but that is another feature that I'm not really using very often because it's shredding my thread, but I suppose if I used a different sized needle, maybe it won't do that.  I will just have to experiment with it, but it is handy at times.

So, for the first week or two, I had to get used to it.  Through trial and error, I learned what it likes and doesn't like, and so far I am very very very happy with it!  I almost feel bad for my Kenmore cuz that one has been my work horse for almost 35 years, but I will still keep it around because my Brother only does straight stitches (that's what makes it better for quilting).  So if I ever need a zig-zag stitch or any other kind of stitching, I will use my Kenmore.

So, now the question is:  will it do ruler quilting?  After all, that is what I really want to do, and that is what compelled me to even consider buying a new machine.  This machine does free motion quilting really well!  But, just like the Kenmore, as soon as I put the ruler foot on, it's unhappy and skips stitches.  So more "weeping and gnashing of teeth", but I'm hoping that I will figure it out after I get myself more familiarized with this machine.  Even if I can't do ruler work with it, it will at least do really well with free motion.

On another note, Spring is here and it finally feels like it!  Our temps are regularly staying in the high 40s now, and when the sun is out, it feels so nice to be outside!  Even Peeka started her hunting season and made her first kill.

I just don't know why she insists on bringing it to our door.

Anyhoo, I wanted to end this post with something else that has been on my mind.  As you know, I'm going through the New Testament in the Greek, which forces me to really examine what I'm reading.  Right now I'm in Mark 10, and I was studying about the Rich Young Ruler.  I've heard this story many times, and usually when I hear this story, we just sorta feel sad for the guy because he seems to make the wrong choice (although the Bible never really tells us if he changed his mind later).  Anyway, I was looking at this, and what really struck me about it is that the rich young ruler was actually pretty brave.  Maybe "brave" isn't really the right word I'm looking for, but here was a guy who was virtuous, followed all the commandments - he was a good guy!  Yet, he still asks Jesus, "what do I lack"?  I thought about myself in his situation.  I try to be a good person, I love God and try to obey His Word, I consider myself a good person, just like this guy.  But I would almost hesitate to go up to Jesus and ask Him what I lack.  What if I don't like his answer, just like this rich ruler?  What would he tell me to give up?    Or maybe He would tell me what I'm doing or not doing? I think I'm good in God's eyes and salvation is sure, so should I even ask this question?  What would Jesus say to me?  Do I have anything in my possession that I would have a hard time letting go of? If I ask the question, would I not like His answer?????  In every confrontation with someone, Jesus always told people what they needed to hear, not what they wanted to hear. Even though this guy didn't like Jesus' answer, he still deserves a lot of credit for even asking the question.  I admire him for that, and I think maybe it would be a good idea to ask ourselves the same question, especially if we think we're okay in God's eyes.  What do I need to hear from Jesus? Just like in some of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, they were told what they were good at, BUT......!  We may not be as okay as we think we are.  It's very humbling if you think about it long enough.

Next time I post, I hope I will be telling you that I'm ruler quilting!!

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