Saturday, May 1, 2021

Spring is Sprouting

 This will be a boring post because I really don't have anything to write about.  I just like to check in once in a while.    Isn't it wonderful that May is here?  Now Spring is truly here (in my opinion).

I haven't seen any flowers yet, but my garden seeds are really taking off!

Well, the important ones are anyway (tomatoes and celery).  I gave up on my strawberries; I will probably have to buy some strawberry plants from a nursery.  Also most of my sage plants didn't germinate, and none of my lavender or catnip came up.  My bell peppers - I don't know what's wrong with them.  I think I got only one bell pepper and one hot pepper.  My banana peppers seem to be doing okay though.  I've never grown any kind of pepper before so this is all a new experiment for me.

Our temperatures have been fluctuating so I am always shifting my plants around according to temperature and light.  When the sunroom gets close to 60, I will put my broccoli and celery in there, as well as some of the germinating seeds.

If it gets close to 60 outside, then I put my celery and broccoli outside.  They prefer cooler temps so if the outdoor temps get that warm, it gets too hot in the sunroom for them. If it's not warm enough outside for them, then I have to keep them inside the house in front of a window.

When the sunroom gets in the upper 60s, I move my tomato plants out there, and take my celery and broccoli out of there if the temps get in the upper 70s.  If it's warmed up enough outside, I can put them outside, otherwise I have to move them back onto the kitchen counter.  A lot of times the sunroom gets up in the 80s and close to 100.  Then I don't even use it cuz that is just way too hot for anything.

 Last week when the temps got in the mid to upper 60s (pushing 70) it was nice because I was able to move ALL of my plants outside.  It was perfect because it was really warm out (I felt HOT), they were getting full sun, and they also had the perfect little breeze to help strengthen their stems.  I think I have a pretty good head start on hardening them off already.

In the mornings I move some of my plants in front of the sliding door where the sun comes shining through.  It's a nice option when the sunroom isn't warmed up enough yet.  By the time the sun moves out of that position, it's usually warm enough to move my plants into the sunroom.  I just have to be careful not to trip over them because in the mornings is usually when I do my laundry and in this spot, they are sitting right in my path.

Chuck still works from home most of the time, but he went in to work on Thursday and came home with this plant that someone gave him.  It's a scented geranium.  I'm not familiar with geraniums, so I had to "google it" and find out what they are and how to take care of them.  This one is lemon scented.  You can't smell it just by sniffing; you have to rub the leaves.  And boy, oh boy, do you get a strong lemony-lime scent on your hands!  It smells so good!  I'm thinking I might experiment and rub some on me when I want to repel mosquitoes.  I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try.  I haven't been bitten yet, but I have seen how big they are this year!  Last Sunday when we were leaving for church, they were swarming all over the car like we were in a freak mosquito attack movie, and they were ginormous!

Anyway, our snow is all gone and our kitties are so happy now.  They are spending a lot of time outdoors now.  Sometimes we catch Peeka burying her pee (or something) in a pile of dirt by the trees.  Hopefully, she won't get any bright ideas like that in my garden beds, which might look like giant litterboxes to her.

Sometimes Peeka is content to just find a sunny spot and sprawl out.

So that's pretty much it.  I know this is boring, but I just haven't really been doing anything out of the ordinary.  Most of the time just babysitting and nurturing my plant babies.

We won't be going to the cabin any time soon.  Spring is the worst time to go because it's too muddy.  Not enough snow for a snow machine, but too muddy, even for a 4-wheeler.  So we usually don't bother until the end of May.  But this year it'll probably be June because we are planning a trip to Fairbanks the third week of May, and the weekend after that I will be busy establishing my garden beds.  So there's another boring post for you to look forward to.

I hope you all are enjoying your Spring weather!

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