Tuesday, August 4, 2020

2 Da Cabin

Well, it's definitely August here.  August is typically what I call our "rainy month", and sure enough on August 1st, we got rain.  As if the weather knew exactly what month it was.

I don't mind rain too much, especially if we need it.  But one thing that gets annoying is that the kitties can't seem to make up their mind if they wanna be inside or outside, so it seems like every 5 minutes I am interrupted by scratching noises on the screen door and I have to open it so they can go either in or out.  I could just leave the screen door open, but I don't want the kitties bringing in their hunting trophies.  I've had enough of those.

So last weekend we had an opportunity to spend the night at the cabin and do some maintenance there, like mowing the lawn, which Chuck did.

And then he fixed the caved in roof of the outhouse (from all that winter snow).

We don't know what we're gonna do yet about the cabin roof.  You can see how it's bowed now.  It could be a lot worse, but we should probably do something about that.  If it were up to me, I would get rid of that loft and put a whole new roof up there.  We never use that loft anyway.  All the heat goes up there in the winter time instead of staying downstairs where we wanna stay warm, which also makes it WAY too hot to sleep up there.  The only thing we use the loft for is to store our sleeping bags in a big plastic bin (we don't want any critter squatters making a nest in our sleeping bags), and also we go up there every spring with the Shop Vac to suck up all the dead flies.  That loft is more of a liability than an asset.

Anyhoo, another thing Chuck did was pull the wood stove away from the wall a little bit.  It was highly suggested by a friend of ours who went to check on the cabin after we had that big earthquake a couple years ago. We never had a problem with it where it was, but he wasn't feeling good about it, so we pulled it forward a few inches.

You can see how ugly the inside of the cabin is.  It's fully functional, and I know it's only a cabin, but it would be nice if the cabin was nicer.  I'm still waiting on Chuck's verdict as far as what we're gonna do about this cabin.  Are we going to build a new one? or fix this one up?

One nice thing about being at the cabin is that Chuck cooks me breakfast.

This time it consisted of sausage and scrambled eggs.  I made the toast by frying the toast in the pan before he got the pan dirty, so the toast was cold before everything else was done, but, oh well!

This coffee tasted crummy, but I think it's because I made it too strong.

After breakfast and cleanup, we went back outside to look for blueberries.  
Yup, we found some!


Most of them were still kinda small, but we plan on going back in a couple weeks just for the sole purpose of picking them.  They should be more ready for picking then.  But we did find some that were ready, and I managed to pick this much.  Luckily, I had a container with me - it was small but better than nothing - the one I used to pack our eggs in.  When we go back in a couple weeks we will be more prepared with berry pickers, AND I already bought some new containers to fill up, so....I am ready.......
Now I just have to hope it won't rain when we go back.  We have rain gear, so rain won't stop us, but it is always nicer to have sunshine for berry pickin'.  Also, when the weather is cool and wet, the mosquitoes get hungry.

         It did start raining while we were there, traipsing through the woods and checking on our blueberry patches, but that didn't stop Chuck from clearing our paths to the patches, which became overgrown with weeds.  We have cleared paths to three different big patches, but there are still other "hidden" patches we can go to after our invited friends come and help us clean these out.

So anyhoo, after lunch we walked around in the woods some more before we went home.  After that rain, everything was wet, so I was wearing the only pair of frogg toggs that we had with us.  They kept my legs dry, but not my feet.  Next time we will probably wear some waterproof boots.  Chuck was pretty wet and took his socks and shoes off for a while to dry out.

Walking around in the woods is pretty good exercise because the ground is so uneven and there's always fallen logs and whatnot to step over, so you have to pick your knees up really high when you walk like you're marching, unless you prefer to fall on your face.  So I always enjoy walking around in the woods, not only because it so peaceful and I love being surrounded by all that nature, but it's also good exercise.

Now this is another little tidbit that isn't very exciting, but it's part of being at the cabin.
These curtains. 

A lady that I never met made them for me (the mom of Chuck's friend who was using the cabin). Anyhoo, I like the curtains and it was nice of her and everything, but she made them way too long, so I took them home to shorten them, and as you can see, now they're too short, so I took them home again and will bring them back next time after I'm done lengthening them.  So when we were getting ready to go home, Chuck told me "don't forget to take the curtains home".  But before we went home, the sun came out, which warmed everything up, which always brings out the flies - and the windows became COVERED in flies!  I didn't take a picture of it because I didn't want to see a picture of it. That's how bad it was! I can handle a few flies, but this was just ridiculous and was getting beyond my "squeamish level".  So Chuck was a little annoyed with me when I begged him to take the curtains down for me cuz all those flies were freaking me out.
I wish there was something we could do about all those flies. Even in the winter time when we go there, the flies start coming out after we get the cabin warmed up enough.

So there you have it.  Our weekend at the cabin.  Not too exciting, I know, but it's better than sitting around at the house in Granger, IN.

In a couple weeks I hope to show you our bountiful blueberry loot.

I hear scratching on the screen door.....again......

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