Monday, July 6, 2020

Hiking the Butte

So, LAST weekend, our church group did another hike (I missed out on the first one).  This time they were climbing the Butte, and this time I was able to go, and also this time I was able to talk Chuck into coming with us (he usually has other things to do on a Saturday when the weather is nice).

"The Butte" is an area out past Palmer where some people choose to live because the houses are cheaper.  But "The Butte" is also a big hill that sits next to the mountains and it is a popular hiking spot.  I know I have a picture of it somewhere in my photo file, but it would take me too long to find it.  From a distance, it looks like a small hill in comparison with the background of tall mountains.  But if you climbed it, you would realize it's not really that small.  

We climbed up the west side which is a lot of stairs.  The east side is a dirt trail.  It's debatable as to which side is harder to climb.

I didn't see very many of these flowers, but I did see something unique that was not on this sign.
In the beginning of the trail, you'll come to this "gum tree".
Yes, it is exactly that.
I don't know how it started, but it adds a little amusement.

Take your pick!

The beginning of the gravel trail eventually turned into stairs, and we climbed and climbed and climbed. About halfway up, we caught Kirkland and some others sitting on the bench taking a break. Actually, I think one of the kids was waiting for his mom to catch up and Kirkland was waiting there with him.

So we stopped there for a few minutes to rest our aching legs and soaked in the view.  We were already a pretty good ways up there.

More stairs to climb!

At last we made it to the top!  

Chuck and Malachi were the first ones up there.

There's a lot of farmland around the Butte.

Would you like to own a farm here right next to Pioneer Peak?

 Once we got up there, we just kind of walked around, ate our snacks, and watched the kids climb around on the rocks.

We could see Knik Glacier from there.  It was kinda surprising to see it from that distance, knowing that that's where we go to on our ATV.

A couple people were specifically looking for this geological survey seal so they could take a picture of it.  I don't know why, but here it is.

 So we stayed up there for about an hour and then descended back down, which worked a different set of muscles that are out shape!!  Ugh!
It was so much fun though.
Kirkland puts these hikes together about every two weeks.  I won't be able to join the group for all of them, but I hope I get to do more.  I love hiking and it's so much more fun with fun people.

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