Monday, October 14, 2019

October Already?

It's been about two months since I've posted.  I wanted to post a month ago, but I had to wait for my procrastinating husband to download some pictures from his phone.  Why is it that husbands are so slow about these sorts of things?  I suppose if it's not important to him, then it's just not important at all.

Anyhoo, about a month and a half ago, we took another trip to WI.  This time Chuck took a whole week off so we could take our time and do more stuff, which was a nice change from a quick weekend whirlwind.  This time Chuck had more time to spend with his brother and a high school friend, and I had more time to spend with Ma and an extra bonus, my brother.

One of the biggest highlights of this trip was going to a Brewers game in Milwaukee.  We took my brother along, and none of us has ever been to a game before, so it was really neat for all of us to experience that.

We sat two sections up behind 1st base.  Kinda far away, but we had a good view.  At the bottom of the 9th inning, the Brewers and the Astros were tied, so we got to stay for a 10th inning.  We ended up losing the game, but it was still fun to be there.

Another little trip we took this past month was to a little town on the coast of Lake Michigan called Benton Harbor.  It was a nice place to walk around.  I forgot the name of the park, and Chuck apparently missed the picture of the sign when he was downloading the pictures from his phone.
.....sigh......I hate it when I have to rely on him for pictures!
He procrastinates.
And then he doesn't get them all downloaded.

Also this month, I had a birthday.
I always have mixed feelings about birthdays.  I don't like being reminded that I'm getting old; and I don't like the extra attention.  However, I do like getting surprises, and the little reminders that I do have friends and family out there that are thinking of me.  

Another fun thing I did this month was go to a Ladies' Retreat at the church in Goshen.  My friend Tammie spent the night at my house, so that was really fun, and then Saturday morning we went to the Ladies' Retreat together.

Then last week, I got to spend the night at HER house.  It was our scheduled day for our monthly stamping day together anyhow, but her granddaughter was starring in a play, so she invited me to go to it.  It was a cute play about the Ugly Duckling.  Her granddaughter was the mother duck and sang a lot of solos.  She was really good.

Then last weekend me and Chuck and Justin all went to another play in Elkhart because the guy playing the lead role in that play was a guy we know from church. The play was about Red Skelton, and I can't even express in words how good this guy was.  He was SO funny and did an excellent job impersonating Red Skelton.  We were very very very very impressed with his talent!  It was weird seeing him in church on Sunday back to his normal self again.  I can't wait to see him in more plays.

Let's see,.....what else happened this month........?
Oh yeah - I got "booed".

A lady at church gave me this little Halloween treat bag.  She said it was sitting on the table in the foyer with my name on it.  I don't know who started this; I don't think they were doing this last year.  But if you get "booed", you're supposed to enjoy the treats, fill it up again with different treats and pass it on to "boo" someone else.  It's actually pretty fun.  There were some goodies in there that I didn't want, so I just left them in the bag and passed it on (I'm sure it happens a lot).  There were also a couple of caramel suckers in there that I liked, but decided to pass them on because it gave me an excuse to play with my Halloween stamps.  So I made some jackets for them and stuffed them back in the bag, along with some other goodies to replace the stuff that I ate.
I think it might be kinda fun to have a "boo-by" prize for the person who's holding the bag on Halloween.  I guess the "boo-by" prize now is that you don't get to pass it on - you're stuck with it.

When we took the bag back to church, I set it on the table in the foyer and waited for my victim to find it.  But after services were over, Chuck saw that some kids were hanging around and they were interested in what was in that bag, so he took the bag and gave it to it's next owner.  She doesn't know it's from me though.  Chuck told her exactly the truth - the bag had her name on it and some kids were interested in it.  He wanted to make sure she got it.

It's nice that temperatures are cooling off, but it still looks green and summery around here.  The squirrels seem to know that winter is coming though.  This stinker was hanging around our bird feeders and steeling our seeds.

Other than that, I started putting some Halloween decorations out.

A guy from church gave us a whole bunch of pumpkins, which is nice cuz I won't have to buy any.
However, the last one he gave us was rotten inside, even though it looked fine on the outside.  So I am hoping that these are all good.

I am not doing my usual Halloween thing this year.  I decided it was too overwhelming doing it all with no help.  I think I was kinda feeling intimidated trying to do it in a different house than what I'm used to.  A different room, with different furniture - will it work with the decor that I got?
I am disappointed that I'm not doing it because I had a fun theme picked out, and even had half of my menu planned out.  But I got cold feet when I began to doubt myself, and now it's too late.  So next year for sure I will go ahead with it because I already invited my "victims" for next year, and also my friend Tammie said she might be willing to help.
So this year I'm just putting out a few decorations on the front porch.
So sad and disappointing, but that's the way it's gonna be this year.
I sure do miss my house in Alaska.

So that's about all for now.

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