Saturday, January 19, 2019

My Ancestry DNA Results

I have to say, I was pretty excited to see the message in my e-mail box telling me that my results were in!  It came faster than I thought it would.

Are you ready?
Here goes!

I didn't get any thrilling surprises; I knew I consisted mostly of Czech, German, and Dutch, and this test pretty much confirmed it.  I wondered if the rumor was true that we might have some Jewish in us, but this shows that there is none.  The Scandinavian part and the British/Irish part surprised me though; even if it's only 2.7% and 1.3%, however, there COULD be more than that, as I will explain a little bit later.

What surprised me is that I thought I was half Czech; but I only turned out to be about 1/4.  According to these results, I have a lot more of Dad's genes than Ma's.  But that is what I'm assuming.  Let me explain my theory and you see if you agree with me.  Since my mom has not been tested, I can only theorize based on these results and what I know from my genealogy research.

You will notice three of them start with "Broadly".  This means that my DNA matches the regional populations of that part of the world, but they cannot pinpoint any specific population.  For instance, they were able to pinpoint 2.7% Scandinavian and 1.3% British/Irish, but "Broadly Northwestern European" covers all those regions of Ireland, Norway, Finland, and all the way down to France, which would also include the Netherlands and Germany.  I have a whopping 8.7% chunk in this broad region, so there could be more Scandinavian or British, or it could mean more German or Dutch - who can say?  Anyway, since my dad's tree comes from this area, I am going to theorize that this 8.7% chunk comes from him.

Oh, and by the way, in my Netherlands DNA, they were able to pinpoint 5 specific areas in the Netherlands, which I found interesting because it matches my paper trail (what I have traced thus far). Also, they were able to pinpoint two specific areas in Germany, which also matches my paper trail.  How interesting is that?

And then there's the "Eastern European" category, which has my DNA pointing to the Czech Republic (specifically south Bohemian region) - yup, that pans out.
And it also mentions Poland and gives me two sub-headings:
1. Silesian Voivodeship
2. Podkarpackie Voivodeship

I have to look those up and see where that is.

But that is only 23.9% of my mom that they were able to specify in me.  So either I only inherited that much from her, OR her DNA goes unspecified beyond Bohemia and Poland. I theorize that this is where "Broadly Southern European" comes into play which covers Iberia, Balkan, Italian, and the island of Malta (the regions on the north coast of the Mediterranean Sea), but that is only an extra 0.8%, so that means my mom probably is mostly Czech/Poland.  But without her test results, it's really hard to say for certain.

And that leaves 5.1% "Broadly European" which cover ALL of Europe - and that could be a mixture of both my parents.

So, based on all of this, I theorize that I am 68.8% Dad, 26.1% Ma, and the remaining 5.1% is a toss-up.  Even if the remaining 5.1% came from Ma, I'm still more of my dad than I am of her (assuming I am correct in my theorizing.)

Wow, all this time I thought I was more of my mom than my dad.

Anyhoo, since I am not a male, they could only trace my maternal haplogroup, which is H7.
The H haplogroup shares the same maternal haplogroup as many of the European royals, such as Marie Antoinette, and the Hapsburgs, and others.  It doesn't mean we're related to them, but it does mean we share a common ancestor with them.
But don't get excited - most Europeans have the same haplogroup (we're not special).
I need one of my brothers to get tested in order to follow the paternal haplogroup.
But I would like to research the H7 haplogroup to see if it has anything specific about it as a sub-group to the whole H haplogroup.

Of all the 23andMe customers, 977 of them are my potential relatives, but at this point, I am only interested in the mentioned 9 close relatives.  I'm not going to rush into it, but at some point I might explore that.  I'm just not quite ready to do that yet because once I open that door, I don't know exactly what I'll get myself into.

Okay, here is another WoW!

I am first place!  
Well,  not of all the 23andMe customers, but I have the most Neanderthal variants than those 977  potential relatives!  
But of all the 23andMe customers I have a whopping 87%!  I'm sure this number will get lower as they gain more customers, but for now that's pretty impressive.

Okay now, coming from a Biblical Creationist view, I do NOT believe I evolved from a monkey!
I believe that Neanderthals were patriarchs from the post-Flood era - the ones that still had a long life-span after the Flood.  You can read about them in the Bible.
So, I am proud to think that I am a direct descendant of these Biblical patriarchs!
(Ultimately, we are all descendants of Noah.........and Adam.)

Since the Neanderthals came mostly from the Germany region, this would make geographical sense in accordance to my DNA results.

One more thing I want to share that I found interesting:

It's nice to know that it's not all in my head.  I actually have the genetic code that explains my issues with certain dairy products.  Very interesting.

Also, according to my results, I have a "slightly increased risk" for Celiac disease.  
Really?  But I know I won't get that.  I can't get that.
I heart bread.

Also, I have the genes to be 16x more likely to move around a lot in my sleep. that why I have Restless Leg Syndrome?

Anyhoo, so there you have it!
Still waiting on PW's results.

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