Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Getting Settled

As I type this, we are getting new carpet installed in the three upstairs bedrooms.  Lots of noise here now, but that's okay.  I just wish I knew where Weeners went.  I looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked for her, but she's a very very very good hider.  Hopefully, she didn't run out the door when the carpet guys had the door hanging open, but I doubt that.

Anyhoo, last week was pretty busy.  We got a lot done, and even found some time for R&R.

We already had some family visitors:  Chuck's sisters Karen and Judy were coming back from their trip in Tennessee, so they stopped by to see us.
Chuck got his usual back scratching from JudyBug.

They spent the night and Chuck fixed them breakfast.  Then they went outside and looked at our plants some more before they left (plants are Karen's forte).  It's always fun to visit with them.

On Friday we took a little trip to Shipshewana, about an hour's drive from here going east.
It's a little town in "Amish/Mennonite Country" so seeing the horse and buggy contraptions was a common sight.  I tried to get a good picture, but every time I saw one I wasn't in a good position to get a decent picture.

Shipshewana has a lot of really neat stores there.  Our friends Pete and Tammie took us there once a few years ago, so I thought of them whenever we saw places that we've already been.

Chuck spent a lot of time looking at outside patio furniture and then he saw this kitty garden decor that was on sale, so he bought it for me.  I set it up next to our birdbath in the back yard.

Then we went to the meat and cheese store where they sell hormone/steroid/antibiotic free clean meat.  
The prices actually weren't too bad, so we bought some ground beef and some chicken thighs, and also a box of hamburger patties, and of course cheese.  Chuck's new passion seems to be Swiss cheese.  Before we left, we ended up ordering 1/4 side of beef, which will be ready to pick up in two weeks.  It's gonna be a LOT of meat.

We did find some patio furniture, but not from Shipshewana.  This is the time of year when the stores are trying to get rid of that kind of stuff, so we found a set on sale at Menard's.

They also had these pumpkins for $1.89.  Each!  Not sold by the pound, like in Alaska where you can easily pay $5-6 for one.  I was so excited to see them so cheap I wanted to buy the whole case, but I refrained myself and only took three.  For now.
In Shipshewana, I saw them being sold for $1.50 each!!  Wow.

But the temps here are still too hot to feel like pumpkin season.  I guess that's why I only bought three so far.  I need the temps to cool down so it will feel like Fall.  The temps here are still hovering in the upper 80's, and all the trees are still green as can be.  The locals here say that this is unusually warm for September.  All I know is that I'm ready for this heat to pass.  I hate feeling too hot to do anything outside.  I'm not used to this.

Weeners is really enjoying listening to and watching her new fowl friends.

We've already seen several pretty birds here that we didn't get in Alaska.

I have no idea why Peeka decided to go in the garage and lay on top of the car.
Your guess is as good as mine.

We've also started the painting projects, starting with Justin's room.

There are several rooms in this house that have a hideous color.  Blue isn't a bad color for Justin's room, but this blue was too dark and bold.  He picked out a softer blue that looks a lot better.
We are trying to decide which room to do next.

Chuck started his new job yesterday, so I am starting to get used to being in this house all day without him, and trying to get back into the groove of cleaning, and making supper every night again, with what little cookware I brought with me.  I got back into my Greek too, but it's been time consuming trying to get caught up on it.
I'm also trying to get more exercise and trying to find a routine that works for me.  Chuck does a good job with his running, but somehow it's easier for him to just go whenever he has the urge to run.  For me, I have to plan it all out.  There are some bike/jogging/walking paths in the neighborhood that we've been utilizing.  They are nice because they keep us out of traffic's way, and there's also some interesting things that we pass by, like an old cemetery, and some really old houses - one of them built in 1847.  Last night I went for a walk and didn't use that path; I went on some side roads and walked into Michigan (yes, we are that close to the border!).  It's a nice walk if you go in the evening when it's not so hot out.  Once you cross the Michigan border, you step into farm country which is a lot nicer than looking at suburban neighborhoods.

I wish I had my stuff.  There are times when I feel bored and I have the urge to go downstairs and play with my stamps.  As of last Friday, our stuff was still sitting in Anchorage, and they couldn't tell us when it was gonna start coming our way.  I brought my hand sewing with me (Justin's quilt), but this house doesn't have good lighting for sewing, and it's too hot to sit outside, and the sun room doesn't have any furniture in it yet.  So I twiddle my thumbs when I don't know what else to do.

The carpet guys are almost done and I have to get supper started soon.

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