Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Does this kitty look familiar to you? 

We found her at the animal shelter.
I was ready to get another kitty, and this one looked so much like Bossy, I had to have her.  She is 8 months old.  I wanted a little hyper 8-week old furball, but they are hard to find when  you want one.
She was already named "Peeka" by her previous owner, so that is what we're calling her for now, but that might change.  We are still waiting for her to get comfortable here.  Mostly she still hides, but she LOVES to be petted and she purrs really loud when we hold her, so I think she will warm up to us quite nicely after she gets used to her new surroundings.  Plus she just got spayed two days ago, so she is still recovering from that.  I will be able to get more pictures of her when she's feeling more at home here.

Weeners of course doesn't like her very much.

She growls and hisses at her, but I'm hoping she will get over it and accept her.

But I think Weeners is taking out some frustration on me, too.  She was so full of sassafrass today and made it very difficult for me to get any sewing done.

 She perched herself up onto my machine and kept trying to catch my threads.

And then she wouldn't let me tie my knots.  She bit and clawed my hands every time I tried.
I finally just gave up and walked away and came back to it after she left.

She looks sweet and innocent, but she's not.

She also came to like sitting under the Christmas tree.

I'm debating whether or not to put presents under there cuz I don't want her to claw them open.

She is just SO SASSY!!!

If you've ever seen the movie "Arsenic and Old Lace",  you will "get it" when I tell you about Mr. Spinalzo.  We started a running joke here that whenever we see a dead mouse laying by the door, we call it "Mr. Spinalzo" and when Weeners goes back outside, we tell her "...and take your cold companion with you!"  But she never does.  Instead, she brings back cold companions for Mr. Spinalzo. 

"We can't leave Mr. Spinalzo in the window seat!"

This has been a very busy and very different week for me.

Chuck left for D.C. Monday morning, so he is gone for the week.
Also on Monday, I got my teeth cleaned and checked.  I told my dentist my tooth still hurts, even though he did a root canal on it a year ago.
To make a long story short, I had the root canal redone yesterday (I was surprised they were able to get me in that fast.)  This time I was referred to a specialist in Anchorage, so I hope it works this time.  It was done in a surgical center and they had more fancy equipment.  He said my dentist missed a nerve.  He should've done 4, but he only did 3.  (I want my money back!)  
Then last night we picked up Peeka, so we are constantly mindful of trying to make her feel comfortable.
Besides all the running around, I am trying to get other things done - like this quilt that Weeners apparently doesn't want me to finish.   Plus I'm trying to make these magnetic labels for my Bible class.  I plan to make all 66 of them.

But these were turning out too big, so I started over with a smaller font.  
I find it sad and unacceptable that kids these days don't know the books of the Bible, so I plan to remedy that situation with my class.
I don't want them to move up next year without learning something from me.

Oh yeah, Christmas.  I don't even wanna think about Christmas.  I'm too busy for Christmas this year.
Can we skip it?
I suppose not.
We will have to do some last minute Christmas shopping next week after Chuck gets home.
Oh what fun it is...

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