Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ho. Hum.

Apparently, I have a little spare time on my hands, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here writing a post about nothing.

When I am feeling bored, it's really just me being lazy.
There is always ALWAYS always something I can and should be doing, and I often complain about never having enough time to do everything.
So, I admit that I am just feeling lazy right now.
Boredom = Laziness

Last night was rather exciting.  Some dark clouds rolled in and gave us some rain.  Not just the usual sprinkling that we normally get - this was a REAL HARD RAIN.  I even observed some little balls bouncing off the picnic table, indicating HAIL.  
No thunder though.

Today brings bright warm sunshine and blue skies.  Of course Weeners wanted to go outside right away this morning after I got up.
She was up to her usual activities, as you can see.

I wasn't around when she tried to bring it into the house, so she left it there by the door and walked off.  I wonder if she has some secret place in this house where keeps all those trophies of hers.
She is a hard-core hunter and LOVES to be out there killing anything that moves.
My deck is littered with dead dragonflies.
Question:  How come she can catch them outside with no problem, but can't catch them when they're in the house?

I took a stroll through my veggie garden to see if they survived last night's storm.
Everything looks okay.
I was pleased to see that my celery is still looking vibrant.  I've never grown celery before, and from what I've read about it, it can be tricky to grow, so this is kind of an experiment for me.
But then again, every year is a trial-and-error experiment with everything I try to grow.
Yesterday, I picked some leaves off and used them as a garnish in my soup.

I'll be surprised if I get any tomatoes this year.
Here are examples of my best and worst.



How pathetic!
The best one is less than a foot high. They really should be a whole lot bigger and possibly growing flowers by now, but my seeds took forever to sprout (I think it's because I sorta drowned them at first). Anyway, they got a really late start, and our summers up here are so short, I don't think they're gonna have time to produce anything worth eating.

My strawberry patch is flowering very nicely and is getting quite lush.  I have to make it a priority to protect it with chicken wire or something so I don't lose all the berries to another berry thief, like last year.  It's really annoying though, when the hubby says I have to wait for him to pick out some chicken wire for me.  That means it won't get done in time and the berry thief will get them first.

Rhubarb is doing good.  I already got to harvest some.
I see some kind of rhubarb dessert in our near future.

Do you see something wrong with this picture?

We bought this little wagon when our kids were toddlers.  I'd say it's probably about 25 years old.  After the kids outgrew it, it remained in the shed forgotten and unused.  Then I got interested in gardening, and it became very useful for lots of things, especially hauling potted plants from one place to another, moving rocks, and throwing weeds in it and transporting them back to our brush pile for burning.  Anyhoo, I was hauling some heavy pots in it the other day and the front wheel broke off. That was my fault; I had too much weight in it.  So, now it's kinda like shooting a crippled horse.
(this is where you're supposed to hear the tune of "Taps" in the background)

 It's kind of sad to let go of this old friend that has hauled everything from kids to weeds, but on the good side, I knew it wasn't quite adequate for the job of gardening anyway, and therefore Chuck said that he would get me a REAL gardening wagon.

Before, or after we buy the chicken wire?
(no pressure.....)

So I suppose I better shake off this laziness now and get motivated.
I have a rhubarb dessert to make, a house to clean, and bright sunshine to absorb, and a dead mouse to discard.  I think I'll let Chuck take care of the mouse.  Surely, he won't put it off until after he buys the chicken wire.

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