Friday, October 21, 2016

Beanie's First Snow

To my surprise, I woke up this morning to a blanket of snow.
The first snow of the year is always exciting.

I don't know if I can say the same for Beanie though.

She was curious about it and sat in the door wondering if she should go out or not.
She is a year old now, so I'm sure she's seen it before, but I have no idea if she's ever been out in it.

She finally mustered up the courage to go out, but she was not willing to go the distance that she usually does.

Instead of bolting across the yard in the direction of the weeds, she stayed put on the deck and watched the snowflakes falling toward her from the sky, wondering if she should take cover or not.

It only took a minute for her to make up her mind.
Inside the house is where she belongs!

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