Monday, September 12, 2016

Our New Church Building

At last we are moving into our new church building!

We have been waiting for this for YEARS, particularly anxious since May of last year when we sold our old building, which is now a funeral home.  We have been conducting our Sunday worship services in the "funeral home" for over a year, and this transition mode seemed like it was lasting too long because we were going without our Wednesday night classes, and also no potlucks.  I will admit that I was pleasantly getting used to not having classes on Wednesdays, but I am really glad that we can all get reunited again as a church family should be.

Yesterday was our first worship service, so during the past two weeks, several people have done what they could to move stuff over from the old building to the new one.  Me and Chuck cleared out a bunch of junk that was all stashed in one room (now the Young Adult room), and we hauled all the junk out to its proper places.  And then we vacuumed up the construction dust out of three of the classrooms that were ready to be vacuumed.

Here is one of the rooms that I will be teaching in, starting in December.

I like to call this "my room".

There's nothing to see in there, except for some more dust that Kirkland left on the carpet after he hung up the dry eraser board.  Sort of annoying after I had it all vacuumed, but I guess it's a small price to pay to have a dry eraser board in there, which is very important to me.

If I'm not needed in the 3rd-5th grade class, I will be teaching in here instead:

I prefer to teach the older class cuz you can do more with them since they are better at reading and writing, but depending on what the lesson is, the younger class can be more fun if I think of a fun activity to do with them that would be too lame for the older kids.  So I always tell Mark to just put me in either one where he needs me.  I will find out which one when the time comes.

Our preschool classroom now has it's own toilets.  

I asked PW to take a picture of me next to them so you can see how tiny that little one is.  It is the teeniest tiniest toilet I have ever seen!  Isn't it the cutest?
Robert said the delivery truck actually said "PEE WEE" on it.

Here is our auditorium:

We only had enough chairs to fill up half the room - I think it is in our plans to purchase more.  I think I heard someone say that a few people had to stand yesterday, but I don't know if that's true cuz we were sitting towards the front. The rocking chairs in the back are for the moms (or anyone) who needs to rock a tired baby.  I hope they fixed the squeaky ones!

Here is a picture of our "fellowship hall".

We need to add more tables in there. Yesterday during potluck, some people had nowhere to sit.  It'll be so nice when we have our holiday dinners and other special events because in the old building we used to have to clear out the auditorium to decorate it, and it was always a lot of work.  Now we can just decorate this room without having to clear out any furniture.

Now here is MY department - the kitchen area!

I am going to be making the potluck drinks again, a job that I am so excited to be doing again.
But as you can see, the kitchen is still unfinished and is a disorganized mess.  This row of tables is for all the potluck food.  

I was disappointed to see the inside of the kitchen set up like this:

They have the drink table set up right in the middle of traffic flow.  More on that a little later.  First we gotta find all my STUFF.

Me and Chuck searched through all the boxes to find all the things I need to make my job efficient and successful.  We went through a lot of boxes but eventually I found everything I need.  The only thing lacking was a kitchen sink which isn't installed yet.  So the next morning we had to haul water from the Janitor's Closet which was ALL THE WAY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING!  And it's a really big building!  Seems even bigger when you have to make multiple trips carrying big heavy containers of water.  I told Chuck we should've brought our wagon (or any kind of cart with wheels), but it turned out that several people helped us haul water, so it wasn't too bad.  I just hope they have a sink in the kitchen by next week.

But I wasn't complaining about that part cuz I know that's just a temporary thing - I had a different complaint, and I did certainly let myself be heard!

See those tables on the right side, covered with boxes and junk?  Those tables are put there to be "crockpot warmer tables".  When people come in, they are supposed to put their crockpots there and plug them in to keep their food warm, and then later when potluck starts, all those crockpots get moved to the tables on the other side of the wall (as shown in one of my above pictures - you can figure it out). Anyhoo, this arrangement did NOT work for me AT ALL!  It was hard enough for me to get all those drinks done in an unfinished disorganized kitchen with no running water, but then add people who mill around, standing in my way, and people just walking through there as if it were a thoroughfare,  and people going in there to get something to drink before I'm even done making them - no way is that gonna work for me.  I will go nuts if I have to deal with that every Sunday.

So after worship service, me and three other ladies were standing by and observing how potluck was going, and how the potluck line itself was working, and we discussed the glitches and how we can improve them (or get rid of them).  And I opined to them about my situation, and we are going to keep trying different things until we get it right.  I suggested putting those crockpot tables on the other side of that wall, but the problem is that the outlets are on the inside.  I would really like to have the drinks so they are facing out though the window, so people don't even need to go into the kitchen at all. Actually, that is how I envisioned it was going to be, so I was disappointed and frustrated with this setup.  I don't know how we're gonna end up doing it in the end.  All I know is that I cannot keep doing it the way it was done yesterday.
I must try to be patient while we figure something out.

Anyhoo, our first worship there was really nice.  After being so crowded in our old building, it was nice being able to walk from one part of the building to another without running into a "road block". Right now things are a little chaotic, a lot of things still need to be done in the building, but I know in time we will all feel quite at home there.

Now for my other subject that you will probably get bored with.  We had a couple warm sunny days last weekend, probably the last warm sunny days we're gonna get before the snow flies, so we took advantage of it and finished harvesting everything that was left in the garden.

Got lots of tomatoes:

Most of them are sitting in brown paper bags right now.


I don't know why, but this is the 2nd year now that my carrot crop left me disappointed.  Most of them for some unknown reason stayed baby-sized.  Oh well, they still taste really good!  I wish the store-bought carrots tasted like these!

Pumpkins and squash:

I got 5 pumpkins out of my garden, so that's not too bad.  Plus my friend Marlene gave me one that she didn't want.  I will probably still buy some though.  I can never have too many of those sugar pie pumpkins.  Marlene also gave me a squash that she didn't want.  I don't know how anyone can not want a pumpkin and a squash, but she knows I look forward to those every year.  Maybe she was paying me back for letting her pick all the blueberries she wanted.  And I also gave her a few bags of my tomatoes cuz she said she didn't get very many of her own.    It's kinda nice having abundances  of harvests that we can trade and share!

My poor, poor, poor, poor sunflowers:

Winter is coming and they are not gonna have enough time to finish doing what they do.  Plus they've been blown over by the wind a couple times, I'm surprised they're even still alive.  I don't know what to do with them, other than just let them die and dry out and then I can use them for Halloween decor.

Well, that's about it for now!

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