Thursday, June 16, 2016

So Far, So Good....

It's been awhile since my last post, so I thought I'd stop to catch up.  But there isn't really anything to catch up on, so this will be another boring post to show you how my garden is doing.
Sorry that there just isn't anything exciting going on in my life right now, but maybe that's a good thing. (Peace and tranquility are good too!) However, my sister will be coming up to visit me in a couple weeks, so maybe I will have something more to share then.

So, for starters, I picked my third harvest of rhubarb today!

In my pumpkin patch, I found a baby pumpkin!!

I am so excited about that!

My tomato plants are flowering.  It's hard to believe these were still in those little plastic cups only a few weeks ago!

I actually have some strawberries coming in!  (Last year we didn't get any at all.)

Some baby zucchini have started growing.  Once I start harvesting those, we will have zucchini coming out our ears, but that's okay cuz zukes can be used for so many things.
AND they are easy to freeze if you shred them or cut them up.

If this catnip continues to thrive and grow, my kitties will be happy.
And I will be happy to have that catnip tea to sip on next winter!

So far, the raspberry bushes are surviving, but no promises yet on those.
They are actually looking kinda "brown".  Perhaps they will be using this whole summer just to get established, and hopefully next summer they will be ready to share something with me.

Flower buds are forming on my winter squash.  I hope these will mature before the first frost comes. I'm beginning to wonder if I started them early enough.

Beans are doing okay.  

Peas are doing okay.

Beets are carrots are also doing okay, but I didn't get photos of those cuz there's really nothing to see. This weekend I will probably start thinning them out.

Last weekend we had a couple days of on/off rain, which really gave everything a nice boost.
Now it is supposed to be hot and sunny out for a few days, so I am going out there twice a day now to make sure everything stays nice and moist.

Apparently it is too hot outside for black "puddies".
She prefers to find a sunny patch inside the house.

I laugh whenever I see Beanie sitting here on the steps like this cuz that is exactly what Kiska used to do.  She used to sit there and just watch everybody with that same exact stoic expression on her face.

So that is basically all that's going on here.  Exciting, I know, right?

I finally got to go upstairs and play with my stamps.  Here is a card that I made:

Sorry about the reflection.  I didn't know it did that and I only took one picture.

Oh, one more thing:  PW turned 20 a couple weeks ago.

As you can see, she turned blonde....
And as you can see, chocolate cake is still the most requested cake to celebrate with.

So that is basically all.  If you will excuse me now, I have a rhubarb pie to make.


  1. I feel like I just had a nice little visit at your house!

  2. You're welcome any time, ya know!
