Monday, October 19, 2015

Goodbye Dominic

Last week Monday we were asked to watch Dominic again for a few hours so his foster parents could run some errands in Anchorage.  I'm glad we did because we hadn't seen him for a few weeks and we were supposed to watch him again for a few days in November, and I wanted him to stay used to us.

While he was here, he took the opportunity to "play" with Kiska since she was dumb enough to sit there and take it.

Notice how his little fist is tightly clasped onto her fur?
Dominic got his little pickers nipped at a couple times, which of course resulted in a few tears.  But, I guess that's one way for him to learn.

After giving us the evil look, Kiska finally did the smart thing and left the room.

Another reason I'm glad we got to watch Dominic that day is because, at the time, we didn't know it was going to be our last time.  The day after these pictures were taken, we got the news that he was leaving us.  His "parents" brought him over to our house on Tuesday night so we could say goodbye to him because they weren't sure exactly what day he was leaving. It was nice of them to think of us - they know how much we love that little man. It turned out we got to hold him through the sermon one last time yesterday in church, but now he's really gone.  He left this morning.  I sure am gonna miss that widdo guy.  (sniffle, sniffle)

Thankfully, although stressful as it can be, I have the distraction of my Halloween dinner, which is this Friday already.  Now that Dominic's parents will be "free", I invited them over to be this year's victims. Hopefully, it'll be a good distraction for them cuz I know they are having a really  hard time.

So I have been staying busy trying to get things ready.  I made my giant tree, which looks really pathetic.  I'll post a full view of it later after I get the room fully decorated.  But here is a picture of the sign that I put on it.

You have to read the book to understand some of the stuff I'm doing.

Since Ichabod was a school teacher, I wanted one of my walls to resemble a school, so I made this chalkboard:

I don't know if you can read Ichabod's schedule, so here is a closer look at it:

I wanted it to be clever and funny, but I'm not very good at coming up with clever and funny, and I didn't want to waste a lot more time trying to get my empty brain to come up with anything better, so that is what I ended up with.

I'm only halfway done with my decorating, so that's all I want to show for now.  But here is my skeleton sitting in my living room, waiting for the festivities to begin.

Kiska decided his lap was comfortable enough to take a nap on.

In the evenings, if I have the luxury to relax, I feed my Halloween mood by watching a movie from my Halloween collection.

There are a few that I absolutely HAVE to watch every year!!  And then there are some that I watch because they somehow relate to my theme and I can get ideas from them.  But I have too big of a collection to watch ALL of them.

My Halloween dinner is only 4 days away.  Yikes.  I am so thankful that my friend Tammie is coming all the way up here from Michigan to help me with it.  Well, actually she's coming up here for a different reason, but she timed it just right to help me with the most hectic part of it. She is even going to stay at my "Bed & Breakfast" for a few days.  BWAAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!
I am so looking forward to her being here!
Fun times ahead.

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