Thursday, February 19, 2015

Soy Milk Pudding Test

Ah, yes, the controversial soy milk!  I still haven't decided if soy milk is evil or not, but I had to try it in one of my favorite recipes for rice pudding.  I love rice pudding, but have been depriving myself of it since I learned I have issues with lactose, and possibly casein too.  Soy milk has a lot of protein in it, which is why it SHOULD work for cooking and SHOULD be able to serve as a substitute for milk in most recipes.  So I put it to the test.

And it passed!

It turned out very nice and creamy!!  Maybe even too creamy! (is that possible?)  As I type this I am still indulging in it while it's still warm, which is the way I prefer it, and I'm curious to see how much more creamier it will get after it cools off.  And I hope Hubby will like it.  He loves rice pudding too, but he grew up with the kind that his mom baked in the oven, which has a less creamy texture.  And that stuff is really good too, but this recipe is easier to make and it's made over the stove top.  I found this recipe on "".  If you want to find it, just look up "Creamy Rice Pudding" on the website.  I have made a few changes from that recipe though.  For one thing the recipe oddly doesn't call for cinnamon.  Whoever heard of rice pudding with no cinnamon?  That's just insane!

So now that I know the stove top recipe works with soy milk, I would like to try it with the oven recipe cuz I think Hubby probably likes it better that way - you know - just because his mom was the best cook ever (he's biased).  Anyhoo, I would also like to eventually try this recipe with other types of milk, like hemp or almond, just because I think I could mentally "relax" if I wasn't using soy.  Don't you hate that when you just don't know what to believe when you're hearing good arguments coming from both sides?  I am usually able to make up my mind pretty quick about things like that, but this one is a doozy.  And even if I do make a decision, I often will change my mind again after learning new facts.  It can be really frustrating at times, not knowing what you should or shouldn't put into your body, and then I question whether or not I'm just being too picky and does it really matter as long I'm not indulging?  When you're young and invincible you don't even think twice about it.  But when you get to be my age, you do start paying attention because your body starts to "talk to you", probably protesting your bad eating habits when you were young and invincible that are catching up to you now.  I often wish that everything was obvious, black and white; that, if it's bad for you, you will know right away what it's doing to you.  But most foods aren't like that; they are silently "killing" you, or making you sick and you don't even know it until it's too late.  I know we're all gonna die some day anyway, as some people argue while their chowing down their 3rd Big Mac and chugging down their super-sized soda, but if I can help it, I don't wanna live out the rest of my years being scolded by my body.  I still wanna be able to climb Mt. Flattop when I'm 85.

I got off track again.  This post was supposed to be about my successful pudding made with soy milk.


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