Monday, May 22, 2023

Okay, New Post!

 Here I am again!  So soon?..., you may be asking?  Well, I am really super busy this month, but I actually had some interesting things happen.

For the past several weeks there was a moose hanging around in our neighborhood, just making his rounds and munching on whatever he could find.  Well, a couple weeks ago, it was really nice out so I went outside to do some raking.  I went around to the back yard and found the rake, but as soon as I picked it up  I noticed that moose was in the edge of our yard munching on the trees.  He didn't seem to care that I was there, only about 15-20 feet away from him, but I got nervous and booked it back into the house, just cuz that's the sensible thing to do - you just never know what those things are gonna do.

Anyhoo, I kept watching him out the window and he eventually made his way toward my living room window where I was watching him from.

He wasn't full grown, and I noticed that he seemed to be moving really slow, and he seemed shaky and weak, like he had no energy.

Then he came right up to my window and peeked in!

Then he laid down and stayed for about 3 hours.

This was on Monday.
Then on Wednesday morning, I got up and looked out toward my neighbor's house, and this is what I saw.

At first I thought he was just taking a nap because from my distance, I couldn't get a good look at him.  But I kept watching out my window, waiting for him to get up.  Finally, I went out to the end of my driveway to take my garbage can out, and he still wasn't moving.  I was too scared to get too close to him, even though I concluded in my head that he was dead.  I called Wildlife Conservation to report it, and to see if they would come get it, but they said if a moose dies on someone's property it's their responsibility to take care of it. And he also told me that this time of year the moose have a hard time finding enough to eat so they get deficient in nutrition, and some of them just don't make it.  Poor thing. So that's probably why he looked so pathetic when he was at my house.

Another exciting thing I did last weekend was attend a Quilters' Retreat.  If you don't care about quilting, this won't excite you, but it was really fun for me.  I have never gone to one before, so it was something new for me.  It was held at Pioneer Ridge Lodge here in Wasilla, not far from our other house that we used to live in, so it felt kinda weird driving down that road again.  Anyway, it was a really nice place with a great view, kinda out in a country setting next to a farm.

This is the kitchen.   Everyone had to take a turn at cooking for everyone else. Me and my friend LeiLoni were in charge of breakfast.  So we made breakfast casseroles and also served fruit and other things on the side.  Everyone made really good meals there.

This is the bedroom that I slept in.  It was really cute.  They had stuffed huskies sitting on all the beds.  Every room had Alaska decor in it.

This curly staircase led up to a sunroom with a really nice view.  You don't want to be up there in the afternoon though.  So hot!  I went up there in the morning when the temperature was just right, and the view was fantastic!

This is the room that was set up for sewing.  On Thursday we had about a dozen ladies there, and a couple more showed up on Friday.

It was really fun to see all the projects that the other ladies were working on, and also I got to meet new people.  Everyone there was really nice.  See that bear skin on the left wall towards the back?  I was sewing right next to that bear's head.

I only worked on Justin's quilt there, just trying to get it all quilted.  I got most of it done there, but had to finish it up at home.  So here it is - all done!  I flipped over the corner so you can see the back, even though it might be hard to see.

The retreat was supposed to go from Thursday to Sunday but I only stayed one night because on Saturday we were taking our first 4-wheeler trip to Knik Glacier for this year.

Which leads me to the last part of this post:

It was windy and dusty, but the sun was out so that made it worth going.  It was just nice to get out and do something like that again.

The lake was still frozen and full of ice bergs, which was really pretty to look at,
but the wind was a lot colder here.  

So this weekend we are heading to Fairbanks to visit Stephanie, which means I have many things to do before we go.  After we get home, I need to harden off my plants so I can get them planted outside in the garden beds.  We have company coming on June 4 so that is another week of adventure.  So the next 2 or 3 weeks are busy, busy, busy.  If anything exciting happens, you can read all about it here.
Right here.
On this blog.
See ya next time!