Thursday, March 28, 2019

Spring Has Sprung!

I know it's been two months since I've posted, but believe me -------
You haven't missed a thing!

I've been pretty much hibernating through the winter, and how can I possibly make an interesting post about that?

Curiously, the winter here has helped with my "missing Alaska syndrome" because the cold weather sorta helped me feel more at home here.  However, I've also noticed the air is dryer here and the wind bites more.  And since there's no natural beauty to go with it (i.e., snowy mountains), the winter here was just cold and boring.  So I am glad to see Spring coming.  I do dread the coming summer, though.

Here is a sign that I might have been suffering from cabin fever:
this is what happens when you mix Halloween with Easter:

Of course, next to rising temperatures, one of the first signs of Spring is more birds to keep the kitties entertained in an open window.

Plus other critters that we weren't expecting, like a bunny rabbit......

and there was even a duck (in our neighbor's yard).

The squirrels are having a grand ol' time!

But those grackles!  I wish they go away!

Those are nasty birds that hog all the food and bully all the songbirds away.
Hopefully they are just migrating through and not here to stay.

Peeka has taken up golf!  Whenever Chuck watches golf on TV, she jumps up by the screen and tries to catch the balls as they fly through the air.  

But here, she is watching the birds on a bird channel that Chuck found:

That is one big chicken!

Last Saturday it was warm enough to take a walk in the park, so that is what we did:

This park has several trails you can take, and this particular trail started with an old cemetery.

So anyhoo, that's about it.  Other than waiting for warmer temps, I've been busy with the usual quilting, scrap booking, and genealogy research.  
.....and cooking.........and cleaning.........
Pretty soon hopefully we will be digging in the garden beds.