Thursday, April 19, 2018

It Feels Like Spring!

A couple weeks ago we enjoyed a fresh helping of the white fluffy stuff, but it's all gone now.
The temps have been in the high 40s/50s and the sun is shining and the sky is blue and the mountains looks so pretty.  It's still jacket weather, but it feels so warm!

Weeners even had her ugly boyfriend calling on her.

That is one mangy lookin' cat I must say.

He stood there looking through the door hoping Weeners would show up, but we scared him off when we tried to invite him in and ask him what his intentions were with her.  You know, the ol' protective parent bit that all potentials must endure if they want to date our daughter.

We don't know when we will see him again, but now that the snow is gone, our kitties are taking advantage of walking through the grass to get to the weeds where they find their trophies to take home.  They are so proud of them!

I thought between the two of them, they had a little game going.  Weeners was catching them and dropping them off at my door, and then Peeka would pick them up and carry them under the deck, which I appreciated cuz that meant I didn't have to dispose of them.
But then Peeka was bringing the stash back, so now I will have to do something with them before the maggots come. (Chuck is in Seattle this week, so it's all up to me, and that's why it hadn't been done yet.) BTW, this morning I took Weeners in for her checkup and I asked the vet if this habit was going to result in her getting parasites or something, and he gave her a preventative deworming medicine that will have to be done every year.  I suppose Peeka will need the same thing.

At least I don't have to worry about wood ticks or fleas. 

Speaking of wood ticks and fleas, Chuck STILL did not hear anything about that Duluth job, so your guess is as good as ours.  But since they are taking this long in getting back to him, we are 90% assuming he didn't get it.  So while we are still waiting for the official yay or nay, I went ahead and started my tomato plants.  Unfortunately, as you know, Peeka likes to chew on my plants, so she happily chewed off all the leaves one Sunday morning while were in church.

So I had to start over; but this time after they sprouted, I put them upstairs to hide them from her.

It's hard to tell from this picture, but they are really taking off.  I have 30 tomato plants and 5 celery plants started.  After they get too big to stay on these little tables I don't know where I will put them, but I'll figure something out when I have to.  (stupid cat.....)

Here is Peeka's nightly ritual.

Every night Chuck sits down and puts his feet up.  As soon as Peeka sees him doing this, she invites herself onto his lap and takes a nap.  And then Chuck is in a pickle when he needs to go to bed cuz he doesn't want to disturb her.  (roll eyes)

So that is pretty much it.  Just staying busy with my usual activities:  teaching my Bible class (6 more weeks to go), subbing for bowling (tonight is our last night so after this it will be nice to have my Thursday nights free again - yay!), and instead of sewing, I've been doing a lot of scrap booking, and also working on organizing some genealogy records.  Next time I go home I will need to pay a visit to the library and look for some certain obituaries, so I've been working on a list of people to look for.

Otherwise, nothing to see here.....move along!